

Digital health for chronic condition management

About 9amHealth

Simplify's Rating
Why 9amHealth is rated
Rated C on Competitive Edge
Rated B on Growth Potential
Rated B on Rating Differentiation



Company Size


Company Stage

Series A

Total Funding



San Diego, California




9amHealth offers digital health services for individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, focusing on a whole-body approach to treatment. Their care team, which includes physicians, specialists, and nutritionists, creates personalized treatment plans that lead to significant health improvements for members. The company serves employers, health plans, and Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), generating revenue by providing these services as part of healthcare benefits. The goal of 9amHealth is to enhance the health and well-being of individuals through accessible and effective health management.

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Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • Recent $9.5M Series A extension funding boosts financial stability and growth potential.
  • Expansion of telehealth services to include mental health support enhances care offerings.
  • AI-driven predictive analytics improve personalized treatment plans and patient outcomes.

What critics are saying

  • Increased competition from established digital health startups like Omada Health and Livongo.
  • Regulatory changes in telehealth reimbursement could impact the company's revenue model.
  • Challenges in scaling operations may affect personalized care and customer satisfaction.

What makes 9amHealth unique

  • 9amHealth offers a whole-body approach to chronic condition management.
  • The company provides tailored treatment plans developed by a diverse care team.
  • 9amHealth integrates real-time health monitoring through partnerships with wearable tech companies.

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Total Funding



Industry Average

Funded Over

2 Rounds

Notable Investors:
Series A funding typically happens when a startup has a product and some customers, and now needs funding to scale. This money is usually used to grow the team, expand marketing, and improve the product. Venture capital firms are frequently the main investors here.
Series A Funding Comparison
Below Average

Industry standards



Health Insurance

Vision Insurance

Dental Insurance

Paid Vacation

Flexible Work Hours

Growth & Insights and Company News


6 month growth


1 year growth


2 year growth

Feb 20th, 2024
9amHealth Raises $9.5M in Series A Extension Funding

9amHealth, a San Diego, CA-based virtual provider of cardiometabolic health care, raised $9.5M in Series A extension funding.

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