

Relationship intelligence platform for dealmakers

About Affinity

Simplify's Rating
Why Affinity is rated
Rated C on Competitive Edge
Rated A on Growth Potential
Rated B on Rating Differentiation



Enterprise Software

Company Size


Company Stage

Series C

Total Funding



San Francisco, California



Overview is a relationship intelligence platform that helps dealmakers in various industries find, manage, and close deals by providing automated insights. Its unique feature allows users to leverage their team's network to identify connections, making it easier to advance deals without the hassle of data management. Unlike other CRM tools, centralizes CRM efforts in an automated way, enhancing efficiency in the deal-making process. The goal is to empower organizations to build stronger relationships and close more deals through effective use of their networks.

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Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • Growing demand for AI-driven CRM solutions boosts Affinity's market potential.
  • Subscription-based model ensures predictable revenue and enhances customer retention.
  • Ken Fine's leadership is expected to drive innovation and expansion.

What critics are saying

  • Market confusion due to similar names with Affin and Canva's acquisition.
  • New CEO may lead to short-term disruptions during leadership transition.
  • Intensifying CRM market competition pressures Affinity to continuously innovate.

What makes Affinity unique

  • Affinity uses AI to enhance CRM by leveraging relationship intelligence.
  • The platform auto-populates pipelines, reducing manual data entry for users.
  • Affinity centralizes CRM efforts, eliminating the need for multiple management tools.

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Total Funding



Industry Average

Funded Over

4 Rounds

Series C funding is usually for startups that are doing well and are looking for more money to fuel major growth, such as acquiring other companies, expanding into global markets, or launching new product lines. Investors typically include larger venture capital firms and private equity.
Series C Funding Comparison
Above Average

Industry standards



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Growth & Insights and Company News


6 month growth


1 year growth


2 year growth

Crypto Art Tribune
Sep 10th, 2024
Affinity Names Adam Goldman as Chief Financial Officer

Affinity, the leading CRM for private capital, announced the appointment of Adam Goldman as Chief Financial Officer.

Jul 18th, 2024
Affinity appoints Accenture Song's Gavin Sommer general manager

Full-service agency Affinity has appointed Gavin Sommer general manager.

Business Wire
May 23rd, 2024
Affinity Ernennt Ken Fine Zum Ceo

SAN FRANCISCO LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Affinity, die Beziehungsintelligenz-Plattform für Geschäftsleute, hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass Ken Fine neuer CEO des Unternehmens wird. Mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Führung von B2B SaaS Unternehmen durch erfolgreiches Wachstum, wird Ken Fine Affinity in das nächste Kapitel der Innovation und Expansion führen. "Ich bin stolz auf das Unternehmen, das wir aufgebaut haben, und auf das, was unser Team erreicht hat. Da wir die Landschaft des Privatkapitals weiter umgestalten, wussten wir, dass wir eine Führungspersönlichkeit mit großer Erfahrung in der Skalierung von wachstumsstarken Unternehmenssoftwarefirmen brauchten", sagte Ray Zhou, Mitbegründer von Affinity. "Ken bringt eine Erfolgsbilanz von Wachstumsunternehmen zu Affinity. Seine Führungsqualitäten werden entscheidend dazu beitragen, Affinity durch die nächsten Wachstumsphasen zu führen, und Shubham und ich freuen uns sehr, ihn im Team begrüßen zu dürfen."

Business Wire
May 23rd, 2024
Samenvatting: Affinity Benoemt Ken Fine Tot Chief Executive Officer

SAN FRANCISCO LONDEN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Affinity, het relatie-intelligentieplatform voor dealmakers, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat Ken Fine de nieuwe CEO wordt. Met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in het leiden van B2B SaaS-bedrijven door succesvolle groei, zal Ken leidinggeven aan Affinity op weg naar het volgende hoofdstuk van innovatie en expansie. “Ik ben trots op het bedrijf dat we hebben opgebouwd en wat ons team heeft bereikt. Terwijl we het particuliere kapitaallandschap blijven transformeren, wisten we dat we een leider nodig hadden met een sterke ervaring in het opschalen van snelgroeiende enterprise-softwarebedrijven,” aldus Ray Zhou, medeoprichter van Affinity. “Ken brengt Affinity een staat van dienst vol succes bij groeibedrijven. Zijn leiderschap zal een belangrijke rol spelen bij het voortstuwen van Affinity door onze volgende groeifasen, en Shubham en ik zijn verheugd hem in het team te mogen verwelkomen.”

Business Wire
May 23rd, 2024
Riassunto: Affinity Nomina Ken Fine Amministratore Delegato

SAN FRANCISCO e LONDRA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Affinity, azienda che sviluppa l’omonima piattaforma di intelligence sui rapporti pensata per specialisti in trattative (“dealmaker”), oggi ha annunciato che Ken Fine sarà il nuovo Ceo. Con oltre 20 anni di esperienza alla direzione di imprese SaaS B2B attraverso una crescita coronata dal successo, Ken guiderà Affinity alla fase successiva di innovazione ed espansione. “Sono orgoglioso dell’impresa che abbiamo creato e dei risultati conseguiti dalle nostre persone. Mentre continuiamo a trasformare il settore dei capitali privati, sapevamo di avere bisogno di un dirigente con una lunga esperienza nella direzione di software house ad alta crescita che servono le aziende”, racconta Ray Zhou, co-fondatore di Affinity. “Ken vanta una storia comprovata di risultati positivi ottenuti nella crescita di varie aziende. La sua leadership sarà fondamentale nel dare impulso a Affinity attraverso le nostre prossime fasi di crescita e Shubham e io siamo molto lieti di dargli il benvenuto in Affinity.”

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