Develops and publishes massively multiplayer online games


Simplify's Rating
Why NCSOFT is rated
Rated B on Competitive Edge
Rated A on Growth Potential
Rated B on Rating Differentiation


Consumer Software



Company Size


Company Stage


Total Funding



Seoul, South Korea




NCSOFT is a major player in the gaming industry, specializing in massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) where many players interact in a shared virtual environment. The company develops, publishes, and operates these online games, generating revenue through game sales, in-game purchases, and subscription fees. NCSOFT targets a wide range of gamers, from casual players to dedicated enthusiasts, and operates globally, with a significant presence in the Americas, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand through its American branch, NC America. What sets NCSOFT apart from its competitors is its strong portfolio of successful MMOs and its focus on creating immersive online experiences. The company's goal is to continue expanding its influence in the digital entertainment market by delivering engaging gaming experiences to players worldwide.

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Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • NCSOFT's investment in cross-platform gaming aligns with rising industry trends.
  • The rise of cloud gaming could expand NCSOFT's audience without hardware limitations.
  • Esports popularity offers NCSOFT new avenues for community engagement and growth.

What critics are saying

  • Emerging competitors like Pearl Abyss and Krafton threaten NCSOFT's market share.
  • Blockchain games and NFTs are diverting gamers from traditional MMOs.
  • Regulatory changes in South Korea could impact NCSOFT's in-game purchase model.

What makes NCSOFT unique

  • NCSOFT is a leader in the MMO gaming sector since 1997.
  • The company has a strong global presence, especially in the Americas and Europe.
  • NCSOFT's diverse revenue streams include game sales, in-game purchases, and subscriptions.

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Total Funding



Industry Average

Funded Over

0 Rounds

Company News

AP News
Aug 5th, 2024
엔씨, 신규 IP 확보 약속 '착착'…빅게임스튜디오에 370억 투자

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Jul 15th, 2024
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Silicon Valley Journals
Feb 8th, 2023

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Game Toc
Sep 2nd, 2021
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