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2018 focuses on data leak prevention for SaaS and cloud environments, using artificial intelligence to help businesses identify and protect sensitive data. The company serves a range of clients, including large enterprises and tech companies, by providing API integrations that allow developers to embed data security features into their applications. differentiates itself by offering customizable detection rules and an AI-powered detection engine, which helps clients safeguard their information effectively. The goal is to enhance data security and compliance while reducing the risk of data breaches.
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Just as cloud platforms quickly scaled to provide enterprise computing infrastructure, Menlo Ventures sees the modern AI stack following the same growth trajectory and value creation potential as public cloud platforms. The venture capital firm says the foundational AI models in use today are highly similar to the first days of public cloud services, and getting the intersection of AI and security right is critical to enabling the evolving market to reach its market potential.Menlo Ventures’ latest blog post, “Part 1: Security for AI: The New Wave of Startups Racing to Secure the AI Stack,” explains how the firm sees AI and security combining to help drive new market growth. “One analogy I’ve been drawing is that these foundation models are very much like the public clouds that we’re all familiar with now, like AWS and Azure. But 12 to 15 years ago, when that infrastructure as a service layer was just getting started, what you saw was massive value creation that spawned after that new foundation was created,” said Rama Sekhar, Menlo Venture’s new partner who is focusing on cybersecurity, AI and cloud infrastructure investments told VentureBeat
Image created by Bridge with DreamStudio by Stability AI. ChatGPT はシャドー IT の新たな DNA であり、組織を誰も予想していなかった新たなリスクにさらしている。IT とサイバーセキュリティのリーダーは、セキュリティを犠牲にすることなく、そのスピードを活用する方法を見つける必要がある。OpenAI の報告によると、企業での導入が急増しており、フォーチュン500企業の従業員や部門の80%以上がアカウントを持っている。. ハーバード大学の最近の研究によると、企業の従業員は ChatGPT のおかげで40%のパフォーマンス向上を得ている。マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)の研究では、ChatGPT がスキルの不平等を減らし、文書作成時間を短縮する一方で、従業員が時間をより効率的に使えるようになることを発見した。ChatGPT は、企業で働く人々がより短時間でより多くの仕事をこなせるよう支援しているが、その一方で、ツールを何に使っているのかを共有したがらず、70%が上司にそのことを話していない。
ChatGPT is the new DNA of shadow IT, exposing organizations to new risks no one anticipated. IT and cybersecurity leaders need to find a way to capitalize on its speed without sacrificing security. OpenAI reports that enterprise adoption is surging, with over 80% of Fortune 500 companies’ employees and departments having accounts.Enterprise workers are gaining a 40% performance boost thanks to ChatGPT based on a recent Harvard University study. A second study from MIT discovered that ChatGPT reduced skill inequalities and accelerated document creation times while enabling enterprise workers to be more efficient with their time. ChatGPT is helping enterprise workers get more done in less time, with workers reluctant to share what they’re using the tool for. Seventy percent haven’t told their bosses about it. Reducing the risk of intellectual property loss without sacrificing speed ChatGPT’s greatest risk is having employees accidentally share intellectual property (IP), confidential pricing, cost, financial analysis and HR data with large language models (LLMs) accessible by anyone
Nightfall AI's partnership with Snyk provides a comprehensive solution for some of the most pervasive threats that developers and SecOps teams face in the cloud—including, most notably, leaked secrets and credentials. .
Image credit: Nightfall. 大規模言語モデル(LLM)に機密データが流出するというセキュリティ上の脅威があるにもかかわらず、どの組織も ChatGPT を始めとするジェネレーティブ AI の生産性向上を活用したいと考えている。CISO らは VentureBeat に、この問題については意見が分かれており、AI ガバナンスは取締役会とのリスク管理の議論においてホットな話題になっていると語っている。. National Oilwell Varco(NOV)の CIO Alex Philips 氏は、今年初め、VentureBeat のインタビューに答え、取締役会が最新のメリット、リスク、AI 技術の現状を把握できるよう、教育中心のアプローチをとっていると語った。Philips 氏は継続的な教育プロセスを持つことで、AI に何ができ、何ができないかについての期待値を設定し、NOV が機密データ漏えいを回避するためのガードレールを設置するのに役立つと述べている。
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Enterprise Software
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