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TradeBlock specializes in providing trading tools and analytics specifically designed for institutional investors in the digital currency market. Their platform offers a range of services including market analytics, blockchain insights, order management, trade execution, team communication, and compliance automation, all aimed at helping clients like hedge funds and financial institutions trade cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum effectively. TradeBlock differentiates itself from competitors by focusing on the unique needs of institutional clients, offering tailored reports and advanced data services that enhance trading strategies. The company's goal is to empower institutional investors with the tools they need to navigate the growing cryptocurrency market and make informed trading decisions.
Company Stage
Fintech, Crypto & Web3
Total Funding
90% of Medical, Dental, Vision costs covered by TradeBlock (Coverage starts from day one)
401k(k) Match w/ 5% company match
Flexible PTO (Taking time off is important and encouraged)
Opportunities for Equity in Digital Currency Group
Paid Family Leave for mothers and fathers
All new employees get a brand-new laptop and peripherals at TradeBlock's expense
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