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2017 develops self-driving technology known as AV2.0, which focuses on creating a smarter and safer approach to autonomous vehicles. Their technology uses embodied AI software, allowing vehicles to learn from their experiences and adapt to different environments without needing detailed programming. This method is different from traditional self-driving technologies that often rely on expensive hardware and pre-mapped data. Instead, employs end-to-end deep learning, making their solution more cost-effective for automakers. The company targets automakers and fleet operators, providing them with adaptable and affordable solutions for driving automation. aims to enhance mobility by partnering with companies like Ocado Group and Asda to test their technology in real-world delivery scenarios.
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Recognized as one of the most dynamic and innovative ecosystems globally, the UK is home to a thriving network of startups, scale-ups, and established tech giants. With strong infrastructure, access to venture capital, and a highly skilled workforce, the UK remains a global leader in sectors like fintech, artificial intelligence, and digital health. In 2024, the UK maintained its leading position, raising €17.5 billion (23.6% of total investments) across more than 861 deals. While the country retained its position from the previous year, the total amount raised was approximately 30% lower than in 2023, when UK companies raised €24.7 billion. Nevertheless, the ecosystem faces challenges, such as a shortage of tech talent due to competition with global markets, high operating costs, and uncertainties around post-Brexit regulatory frameworks. Despite these obstacles, the UK’s tech sector remains resilient, continuing to attract significant investment and foster innovation
Unicorn companies are crucial drivers of innovation, economic growth, and technological progress in Europe. Often, they introduce groundbreaking technologies, creating new industries or transforming existing ones. Their presence signals a mature and investable tech landscape. By generating significant revenues, these companies contribute to national GDPs, tax bases, and regional economies.Unicorns emerge from a strong startup ecosystem and, in turn, support it by fostering innovation and enabling global market access. They also drive knowledge spillover, talent circulation, and shared infrastructure, creating a continuous cycle of growth and entrepreneurship.In 2024, the European tech ecosystem collected €74.4 billion over more than 3.700 deals. Excluding debt funding rounds, 91 companies (2.4 percent of all companies) closed deals worth over €100 million (each)
Textele publicate în categoria Subiectiv sunt responsabilitatea autorilor, fiind opinii asumate de aceștia. Dacă vrei să afli mai multe opinii ale specialiștilor, urmărește categoria Subiectiv.În lumea producției industriale, ultimii 50 de ani au fost dominați de globalizare. Am văzut o tranziție a producției către țări cu salarii mai mici, alături de optimizarea continuă a lanțului de aprovizionare. Dacă productivitatea nu putea fi crescută (suficient) printr-o tehnologie mai bună, Excel-ul era acolo pentru a ne salva.Dar lucrurile se schimbă, iar cele mai recente evoluții tehnologice, tendințele geopolitice și cultura Generației Z accelerează o transformare profundă a peisajului producției.Acest lucru are un impact important: producția este una dintre industriile cheie ale Uniunii Europene, cu o cifră de afaceri netă de 8,3 trilioane EUR și 28,7 milioane de oameni angajați în 2021 (conform Eurostat), reprezentând 23,6% din valoarea adăugată totală a economiei UE.Din punct de vedere tehnologic, cele mai recente dezvoltări ale IA permit creșteri semnificative ale gradului de automatizare și deci a productivității. Stai. Asta nu se întâmpla deja?! Nu am văzut cu toții acele linii robotizate în care mașinile sunt sudate împreună cu o implicare umană minimă?Da și nu
In 2024, European tech companies secured more than €74.4 billion across over 3,700 deals. When compared to a year before, this figure is higher by approximately 10 percent (€67.6 billion secured in 2023). This indicates a positive shift in investor sentiment or market conditions for European tech. Despite this increase, the 2024 total remains about 30 per cent below the peak of €101.2 billion in 2022.Although many of the largest deals in 2024 focused on debt financing for the construction of gigafactories (e.g., Northvolt, Stegra, ACC), others were directed towards R&D and seizing global growth opportunities.For a more comprehensive review of topics including investments, geographic region performance, industry performance, top M&A and exit activities, and much more, check out’s annual report “European tech 2024: The big picture”.Now let’s have a look at the 24 European tech companies that raised the most in 2024.24. Poolside (France)Amount raised in 2024: $400 is a company focused on developing advanced AI models for software engineering. It offers a customizable AI solution that integrates directly with your codebases and business practices, fine-tuning to create proprietary models that continuously improve developer productivity.The company's foundation models, such as Malibu, and tools like code completion engines, are designed to accelerate software development securely and privately, ideal for regulated industries.In 2024, the company secured $400 million which will be used to accelerate the company's growth, improve its technology and expand its marketing activities.23
Deep Green, a London-based company, secured £200 million in investment from Octopus Energy's generation arm in January to scale its sustainable data center technology across the UK.
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Automotive & Transportation
AI & Machine Learning
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London, United Kingdom
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