The Raine Group

The Raine Group

Advisory services for media and entertainment

About The Raine Group

Simplify's Rating
Why The Raine Group is rated
Rated B on Competitive Edge
Rated A on Growth Potential
Rated A on Rating Differentiation


Consumer Goods


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Total Funding



New York City, New York




The Raine Group specializes in providing financial advisory and investment services within the digital, media, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle sectors. Their services include helping companies with mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, and strategic consulting. The Raine Group differentiates itself from competitors by concentrating solely on these specific industries, allowing them to develop deep expertise and strong relationships within these fields. Their goal is to support the growth and success of businesses in these dynamic sectors by offering tailored financial solutions and insights.

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Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • Rising demand for micromobility solutions aligns with their investment focus.
  • Growing popularity of pickleball offers new opportunities in sports and lifestyle.
  • Expansion of B2B platforms into consulting services presents potential investment areas.

What critics are saying

  • Increased competition from major digital media companies like Netflix and Disney.
  • AI-driven content creation tools may disrupt traditional media business models.
  • Economic uncertainties in Europe could affect profitability of European investments.

What makes The Raine Group unique

  • Focus on digital, media, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle sectors exclusively.
  • Significant investment in technology-enabled sportswear and digital platforms like Castore.
  • Strategic interest in emerging markets like micromobility and pickleball.

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Industry Average

Funded Over

0 Rounds

Company News

Dec 5th, 2024
Kpmg Türkiye Ve 212'Nin Türkiye Startup Yatırımları 2024 Üçüncü Çeyrek Raporundan Öne Çıkanlar

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De Tijd
Oct 8th, 2024
Belgische 'Spotify voor cursussen' Perlego haalt 20 miljoen vers geld op

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Sep 10th, 2024
Yerli Mobil Oyun Stüdyosu Cypher Games, 10 Milyon Dolar Yatırım Aldı

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Mar 13th, 2024
Voi closes financing round following a record year in revenue and profitability

Voi, the leading micromobility operator in Europe, announced today that it has successfully

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Voi: Schwedischer E-Scooter-Anbieter Sammelt 25 Mio. Dollar Ein

Voi, schwedischer Anbieter von Mikromobilität und einer der Player auf Wiens E-Scooter-Markt, hat in einer überzeichneten Finanzierungsrunde 25 Millionen Dollar eingeworben. Darüber hinaus hat sich das Unternehmen eine zusätzliche Fremdfinanzierung für Fahrzeuge gesichert. Die zusätzlichen Eigen- und Fremdmittel sollen der Erweiterung der E-Scooter- und E-Bike-Flotte dienen. Voi will nach eigenen Angaben die Chancen nutzen, die sich durch die wachsende Nachfrage und die zunehmende Konsolidierung in der Branche ergeben. Voi: Der neue Player auf Wiens E-Scooter-MarktVoi hatte starkes Jahr 2023. Bestehende Anteilseigner, darunter VNV Global, Raine Group, Nineyards Equity, Balderton, Creandum, Project A, Stena, Black Ice Capital und andere, darunter Gründer und Mitarbeiter:innen, haben sich an der Runde beteiligt

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