Posted on 1/31/2025
Data integrity and management solutions provider
No salary listed
Senior, Expert
Remote in USA
Candidates must be based in the United States.
Precisely focuses on ensuring data integrity for businesses around the world. It offers a range of products that help organizations integrate, manage, and enhance their data. These products work by providing tools for data integration, ensuring data quality, and enabling effective data governance. Additionally, Precisely offers location intelligence and data enrichment services, which help businesses gain insights from their data. What sets Precisely apart from its competitors is its extensive experience and its ability to serve a wide variety of clients, from large enterprises to smaller organizations, with a strong emphasis on accuracy and context in data. The company's goal is to empower businesses to make informed decisions by providing them with reliable and actionable data.
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Growth Equity (Venture Capital)
Total Funding
Burlington, Massachusetts
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Empowers organizations to integrate, govern, and improve the readiness of their data for trusted analytics, reliable AI insights, and faster time to valueBURLINGTON, Mass., Feb. 26, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Precisely, the global leader in data integrity, today announced significant advancements to the Precisely Data Integrity Suite, including AI-driven innovations, an enhanced Data Governance service, and expanded data integration capabilities. These advancements address key enterprise data challenges such as improving data accessibility, enabling business-friendly governance, and automating manual processes. Together, they help organizations boost efficiency, maximize the ROI of their data investments, and make confident, data-driven decisions.Precisely Data Integrity Suite Workflows on MonitorThe innovations are timely with pressure mounting on businesses to achieve AI-readiness, strengthen data governance programs, and embrace cloud adoption – all while navigating a constantly evolving regulatory landscape.Key highlights include:AI Manager to Ensure Trusted Data for AnalyticsWith the addition of AI Manager, customers can leverage Generative AI capabilities within the Data Integrity Suite while maintaining complete control over data sovereignty and compliance:Flexible AI model integration : Organizations can register their large language model (LLM) credentials with the Data Integrity Suite starting with AWS Bedrock, ensuring they comply with their organization's legal and procurement requirements: Organizations can register their large language model (LLM) credentials with the Data Integrity Suite starting with AWS Bedrock, ensuring they comply with their organization's legal and procurement requirements Scalable AI/ML functionality: Businesses can efficiently scale AI usage within the Suite by leveraging external LLMs, with processing handled by the infrastructure where the model resides. Customers can turn functionality on or off based on business requirements—giving them full control over when and how AI is appliedBusinesses can efficiently scale AI usage within the Suite by leveraging external LLMs, with processing handled by the infrastructure where the model resides. Customers can turn functionality on or off based on business requirements—giving them full control over when and how AI is applied Automated metadata management: AI-generated catalog asset descriptions significantly reduce manual efforts and improve metadata quality - enabling teams to focus on more strategic tasksElevated Data Governance ExperienceCustomers of the Data Integrity Suite Data Governance service can now benefit from a personalized, intuitive user experience and improved performance for greater productivity
Complex SAP-centric business processes continue to hinder full-scale, organization-wide automationBURLINGTON, Mass, Nov. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Precisely, the global leader in data integrity, today released new findings from a survey conducted in collaboration with the Americas SAP Users Group (ASUG). Announced during the ASUG Tech Connect event, the Unlocking Automation in SAP: 2025 Trends and Challenges report provides important insight into the adoption, maturity, and challenges of automation in SAP environments.Findings reveal the increasing importance of data and process automation in digital transformation efforts, alongside the key factors hindering success
BURLINGTON, Massachusetts--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Precisely, una delle principali imprese internazionali nel campo dell’integrità dei dati, oggi ha annunciato che la sua soluzione di integrazione dati Precisely Connect ora supporta Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) per Db2, semplificando la migrazione dai database Database 2 dei clienti a Amazon Web Services (AWS) e aiutando le aziende a espandere le loro operazioni e ottenere nuovi dati approfonditi e utili da carichi di lavoro analitici. Questo annuncio arriva sulla scia della designazione a Amazon RDS Ready Partner conseguita da Precisely Connect e della recente espansione alla replicazione dei dati di AWS Mainframe Modernization tramite il servizio Precisely. Il testo originale del presente annuncio, redatto nella lingua di partenza, è la versione ufficiale che fa fede. Le traduzioni sono offerte unicamente per comodità del lettore e devono rinviare al testo in lingua originale, che è l'unico giuridicamente valido
BURLINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Precisely, een internatiobale leider op gebied van data-integriteit, maakte vandaag bekend dat Precisely Connect, haar oplossing voor data-integratie, voortaan Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) voor Db2 ondersteunt. Dit vereenvoudigt de migratie van Database 2-databases van klanten naaar Amazon Web Services (AWS) en helpt organisaties om meer schaal te bereiken en nieuwe inzichten uit analytische workloads te verwerven. Het volgt op het nieuws van de aanduiding Amazon RDS Ready Partner van Precisely Connect en de recente uitbreiding naar de AWS Mainframe Modernization Data Replication met Precisely service. Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, die als enige rechtsgeldig is
BURLINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Precisely, a global leader in data integrity, today announced that its Precisely Connect data integration solution now supports Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Db2, simplifying migration from customers’ Database 2 databases to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and helping organizations achieve greater scale and gain new insights from analytic workloads. It follows the news of Precisely Connect’s Amazon RDS Ready Partner designation and the recent expansion to the AWS Mainframe Modernization Data Replication with Precisely service. AWS announced general availability of Amazon RDS for Db2 at the end of last year, a service which makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale Db2 databases in the cloud. Today’s announcement highlights the value Precisely provides in supporting Amazon RDS for Db2 as a target for mainframe and i Series replication, empowering customers to seamlessly move Db2 data and workloads to AWS. This powerful combination of Precisely and AWS allows customers to access innovative new use cases, drive advanced analytics, and ensure maximum value is being derived from infrastructure investments. With real-time streaming, Precisely Connect helps guarantee that the most current data from IBM Z (mainframe) and IBM i (AS/400) systems is made available to AWS services for analysis