
Behavior Clinician

Confirmed live in the last 24 hours

BrightSpring Health Services

BrightSpring Health Services

Compensation Overview

$50 - $56Hourly


Springfield, IL, USA

State Specific Requirements: Illinois: Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Board Certified Associate Behavior Analyst (BCaBA), or a minimum of a bachelor’s degree with 1500 hours of supervised experience performed by a Licensed Psychologist or BCBA.

Nursing & Allied Health Professionals
Medical, Clinical & Veterinary
Required Skills
Data Analysis

You match the following BrightSpring Health Services 's candidate preferences

Employers are more likely to interview you if you match these preferences:

  • Must have experience with behavioral intervention and/or strong educational emphasis on learning and developmental psychology.
  • Two or more years of experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities or behaviorally challenged population.
  • Must have reliable transportation.
  • Ability to perform physical tasks, including standing for extended periods, bending, move from seated to standing regularly.
  • State Specific Requirements: Illinois: Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Board Certified Associate Behavior Analyst (BCaBA), or a minimum of a bachelor’s degree with 1500 hours of supervised experience performed by a Licensed Psychologist or BCBA. Indiana: A master’s degree in a human related field (this includes but is not limited to BCBA, Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Counselor). Kentucky: A master’s degree in a human related field and 2 years of experience (this includes but is not limited to BCBA, Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Counselor). Georgia: Master’s degree in psychology, special education, counseling, social work, or related field OR BCBA, Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, or Licensed Psychologist/Psychiatrist. All applicants MUST have at least 2 years of experience providing positive behavioral supports (writing BSP, functional assessment; plan development, training, and implementation) to people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Must have documented coursework in Applied Behavior Analysis reflected on resume or transcript. California: Must be a BCBA or BCaBA. Virginia: BCBA, BCaBA, Licensed Psychologist or Positive Behavior Support Specialist Facilitator (PBSF), LPC, LSW or LCSW with training and experience and/or documented coursework in Applied Behavior Analysis reflected on resume or transcript. Texas: Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Psychological Associate, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Professional Counselor, or BCBA.
  • Conducts ongoing assessments to meet the needs of patients served.
  • Communicates between supervisors, direct care staff members, family members, guardians, and collateral individuals regarding an individual's progress.
  • Provides a monthly schedule to supervisors of appointments, home visits, and observations to monitor work advancement.
  • Coordinates home, work and/or community-based visits to meet the requirements of observations, chart reviews, staff interviews, and data analysis.
  • Ensures the Behavior Intervention plan is implemented effectively and properly.
  • Participates in Interdisciplinary Team Meetings and other pertinent meetings as required.
  • Completes monthly and/or quarterly progress notes.
  • Organizes training to certify staff and other team members are competent in the implementation of the Behavior Intervention Plan and/or documentation sheets.
  • Provides follow-up interviews, home visits, and observations for continued support of an individual's needs.
  • Maintains strong clinical records to guarantee information is readily available to interested parties.
  • Acts as liaison with the public and mental health community to support development of ongoing goals.
  • Assists in creating procedures for training materials to improve programs for individuals served.
  • Complete continued education on behaviorally based interventions & techniques to stay competitive in the field.
BrightSpring Health Services

BrightSpring Health Services


Company Stage


Total Funding



