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Develops advanced Lithium Metal batteries for EVs
$150k - $250kAnnually
Remote in USA
SES AI specializes in developing advanced Lithium Metal (Li Metal) batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) used on land and in the air. These batteries provide better energy density and longer range than traditional lithium-ion batteries. The company serves various clients, including automotive and aerospace industries, by focusing on research and development, manufacturing, and licensing its battery technology. SES AI stands out from competitors by having state-of-the-art facilities for testing and refining its products, and it actively shares progress reports with the industry. The goal of SES AI is to contribute to the shift towards sustainable energy solutions in the electric transportation market.
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Woburn, Massachusetts
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WOBURN, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) --. 高性能リチウムメタル電池の開発と製造のグローバルリーダーであるSES AI Corporation(「SES AI」」)(NYSE:SES)は、ヒョンデ・モーター・カンパニー(以下「ヒョンデ・モーター」)および起亜自動車(以下「起亜」)との既存の共同開発契約(「JDA」)で次のフェーズに進み、Bサンプルの開発を開始することに合意しました。. 合意の一環として、SES AIはヒョンデ・モーターと起亜とともに、今年後半から韓国のウィワンにBサンプルセル専用の開発・組立・試験施設を建設し、SES AIはこの新たな施設内に世界で最大規模のリチウム金属ラインを建設・運営する予定です。この提携は、リチウム金属電池業界では初めてであり、商業生産を達成する上で重要なマイルストーンとなります。
馬薩諸塞州, 沃本--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)--. SES AI Corporation(「SES AI」)(紐約證券交易所代碼:SES)是一家高性能鋰金屬電池開發和製造領域的全球領導者,今天宣布已簽署協議,進入其與現代汽車公司(「現代汽車」)和起亞公司(「起亞」)現有聯合開發協議(「JDA」)的下一階段,開始開發 B 样產品。. 作為協議的一部分,現代汽車和起亞 - SES AI 將於今年晚些時候開始在韓國儀旺建立一個專門的 B 样電池開發、組裝和測試設施,SES AI 將在這個新設施內建造和運營世界上產能最大的鋰金屬生產線之一。這種合作是鋰金屬電池行業的首創,代表著實現商業化生產的一個重要里程碑。
马萨诸塞州沃本--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)--. 高性能锂金属电池开发和制造领域的全球领导者SES AI Corporation(以下简称“SES AI”)(NYSE: SES)今天宣布,该公司已与Hyundai Motor Company(以下简称“Hyundai Motor”)和Kia Corporation(以下简称“Kia”)签署协议,进入现有联合开发协议(以下简称“JDA”)的下一阶段,开始开发B样品。. 作为协议的一部分,Hyundai Motor、Kia与SES AI将从今年晚些时候开始,在韩国义王市建设一个专门的B样品电池开发、组装和测试工厂。SES AI将在这个新工厂内建设和运营世界上产能首屈一指的锂金属生产线。此次合作在锂金属电池行业尚属首次,是实现商业化生产的重要里程碑。
WOBURN, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SES AI Corporation (“SES AI”) (NYSE: SES), a global leader in the development and manufacturing of high-performance Li-Metal batteries, today announced that it signed an agreement to enter the next phase of its existing joint development agreement (“JDA”) with Hyundai Motor Company (‘’Hyundai Motor’’) and Kia Corporation (“Kia”) to start developing B samples. As part of the agreement, Hyundai Motor and Kia - SES AI will build a dedicated B-sample cell development, assembly and testing facility in Ui-Wang, South Korea starting later this year, and SES AI will build and operate one of the largest capacity Li-Metal lines in the world within this new facility. This collaboration is the first of its kind in the Li-Metal battery industry and represents an important milestone in achieving commercial production. The expansion of the relationship with Hyundai Motor and Kia means that SES AI is the first Li-Metal battery company in the world to have two B-sample development JDAs underway. SES AI previously announced its first B-sample JDA with another major automaker in December 2023. In addition to these two B-sample lines, SES AI is also converting another A-sample line to produce Urban Air Mobility (UAM) battery cells
WOBURN, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SES AI Corporation (“SES AI”) (NYSE: SES), a global leader in the development and manufacturing of high-performance Li-Metal batteries, today announced that it will fund a new research initiative at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) to develop state-of-the-art recycling technology for lithium metal. The initiative will be led by WPI’s Dr. Yan Wang, the William Smith Foundation Dean's Professor of Mechanical Materials Engineering. To date, recycling for lithium-ion batteries exists at an early stage but recycling technology for Li-Metal batteries has not yet been developed. Recycling Li-Metal batteries can be critical in the reduction of the shortage of raw materials and environmental problems. The technology that will be developed from this initiative addresses this problem by developing a closed-loop, safe and environmentally responsible Li-Metal battery recycling process that will recover most of the battery materials, allowing the recycled materials to be reused in Li-Metal battery manufacturing