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Strategic intelligence using AI and open data
South Jordan, UT, USA
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Strider Technologies provides strategic intelligence services that help organizations enhance their technology and innovation efforts. The company uses open source data and artificial intelligence to convert publicly available information into valuable insights. Strider serves a diverse range of clients, including those in the public, research, and academic sectors, by offering actionable data that helps them identify risks and seize opportunities in a competitive global landscape. One of Strider's key products is Shield, which integrates with existing security systems to deliver focused analysis of security events and proactive defense measures. The company updates its database monthly to ensure clients have access to the latest information, setting it apart from competitors by providing timely and relevant insights tailored to critical organizational needs.
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Series C
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Salt Lake City, Utah
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401(k) Retirement Plan
Strider Technologies, a leading provider of strategic intelligence solutions, has raised $55m in a Series C funding round.
Strider Services enables organizations to harness the power of open-source intelligence and develop mature economic security programsSALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Strider Technologies, Inc. ("Strider"), the leading provider of strategic intelligence, today released Services, a new set of offerings to help organizations develop advanced economic security programs to respond to state-sponsored risks."Building a strong economic security program is an essential step for companies and research institutions to defend against state-sponsored actors seeking to steal intellectual property and compromise supply chains," said Eric Levesque, COO and Co-founder of Strider. "We are proud to offer this unique set of services to protect their intellectual property and the innovators that are building the future each day."Strider Services is designed for existing Strider clients seeking to transform nascent and developing security initiatives into mature and advanced programs to protect their technology, talent, and supply chains. With a focus on growth and enhancement, Services will empower organizations to leverage the full potential of their internal capabilities coupled with Strider's proprietary data and cutting-edge AI technology.Services includes three specific offerings for Strider clients:Environment: Users receive comprehensive training on external and internal risk environments, tailored to their organization and industry. By thoroughly understanding their risk landscape, users can identify and respond to risk with more precision and effectiveness.Strategy: Users learn how to move from an ad hoc response to a defined and structured security protocol
Curated data collections illuminate key indicators of state-sponsored risks to intellectual property, talent, and supply chainsSALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Strider Technologies, Inc. ("Strider"), the leading provider of strategic intelligence, today announced the launch of its first Data Catalog offering for public sector clients. This curated collection of Strider's proprietary data will allow users to perform direct analysis and develop customized applications to enable a broad spectrum of mission sets, including identifying nation-state activity across industry and supply chains."We're excited to make our unique data assets available to advance national security priorities," said Greg Levesque, CEO and Co-founder of Strider. "We view this as a key step in promoting the idea of Data Dominance within government to reimagine the way open-source data and generative AI can secure national interests."Strider's Data Catalog will initially offer five distinct data collections related to the People's Republic of China and Russia. Additional data collections will be added to Data Catalog in the future
Spark AI is the new gateway to Strider's strategic intelligenceSALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Strider Technologies, Inc. ("Strider"), the leading provider of strategic intelligence, today announced Spark AI, a new generative AI-powered data search capability. Spark AI will revolutionize the way organizations utilize Strider's exclusive procurement data to manage supply chains, navigate sanctions compliance, and comply with export controls.Using Spark AI, users can ask questions and tap into Strider's data collection to get immediate answers about organizations, goods, and services that have a transactional history with state-sponsored government, defense, and military entities–even tracing back to the original source documents."We are pushing forward a convergence of open-source intelligence and generative AI to redefine what's possible in this era of strategic competition," said Greg Levesque, CEO and Co-founder of Strider. "Industry has effectively become a battlespace among nation states, driving state-sponsored actors to penetrate supply chains, steal intellectual property, and recruit talent. Our mission is to deliver software tools fueled by proprietary data to enable industry, academia, and government to identify and proactively respond to these threats
SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Strider Technologies, Inc. ("Strider"), the leading provider of strategic intelligence, today announced that Admiral (Ret.) Craig Faller is joining the company as an Advisor. In this role, Admiral Faller will provide Strider valuable insight into strategic priorities, product development, and other opportunities to achieve the company's long-term goals."We're thrilled to work with Admiral Faller on important strategic initiatives," said Greg Levesque, CEO and Co-founder of Strider. "Craig brings decades of invaluable national-security experience to the table and understands how imperative it is for the United States and our allies to protect the advanced technologies, intellectual property, and talent under threat from our geopolitical adversaries.""I am proud to be working with the Strider team as they carry out their work to protect the competitive edge and national security of the United States," said Admiral Faller. "The strategic intelligence they provide to businesses, research institutions, and government agencies enables these organizations to fight back against state-sponsored threats
SALT LAKE CITY and TOKYO, Sept. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Strider Technologies, Inc. ("Strider") and Sumisho Aero-Systems Corporation ("SAS"), a Sumitomo Corporation company, have agreed to a strategic partnership that will bring and expand Strider's unique technology solution in the Japanese market, together with Sumitomo Corporation and Sumitomo Corporation of Americas (collectively with SAS, "Sumitomo").Strider is the leading provider of Strategic Intelligence for companies, governments, research institutions, and universities. SAS is committed to the enhancement of Japan's National Security capabilities and has been making the highest efforts in this area for several decades, with supports from Sumitomo Corporation, a Fortune 500 Company, which conducts business activities across a wide range of industries around the globe.The partnership with SAS will enable Strider to deliver cutting-edge solutions to address economic security threats to talent, technologies, and supply chains emanating from nation-state actors to the Japanese market. Strider's unique data and platform will provide the Japanese innovation base a protective barrier against state-sponsored risk."SAS and Sumitomo are a trusted brand with a sterling reputation, and we're pleased to put this strategic partnership in place," said Greg Levesque, CEO and Co-founder of Strider. "This partnership comes at an important time as Japan bolsters its efforts to enhance critical infrastructure protection and research integrity
SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Strider Technologies, Inc. ("Strider"), the leading provider of strategic intelligence, today launched Sentry, a risk intelligence solution that empowers organizations to safely protect their intellectual property (IP) and technology by instantly illuminating potential connections to state-sponsored risk for talent, partners, and collaborators."State-sponsored actors relentlessly target private sector organizations and their talent to acquire confidential IP, technology, and know-how to advance their national interests," said Eric Levesque, COO and co-founder of Strider. "One tried and true tactic is to recruit individuals at targeted organizations with access to the desired technology. Sentry provides organizations with the intelligence they need to identify and manage this risk to protect their long-term competitiveness."Combining Strider's unique data with advanced AI processing, Sentry provides crucial intelligence that empowers organizations to meet their talent needs safely. Organizations can query Strider's extensive collection of open-source data to uncover actionable intelligence
SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Strider Technologies, Inc. ("Strider"), the leading provider of Strategic Intelligence, today announced that former Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) Deputy Director Mike Madsen is joining the company as Vice President of National Security Solutions. In this role, Madsen will oversee Strider's global portfolio of public sector clients to deliver new and existing capabilities that further advance the organization's national security mission sets."Throughout his 30-year career serving the United States, Mike has been a leader that drives meaningful outcomes in support of national security objectives," said Greg Levesque, CEO and co-founder of Strider. "Whether it is delivering innovative capabilities to the warfighter, driving defense acquisition reform, or piloting combat missions, Mike knows what it takes to ensure an organization achieves its mission. We are thrilled to have him join Strider.""Strider's game-changing strategic intelligence solutions enable public sector agencies to identify and mitigate state-sponsored threats against their nation's talent base, corporations, and research institutions," said Madsen
V uplynulých dvou desetiletích vybudovalo oddělení Jednotné fronty Komunistické strany Číny po celé Evropě provozy, jejichž cílem bylo získat tisíce pracovníků předních společností pro výrobu polovodičů a technologických společností pro firmy se sídlem v ČLR se záměrem dalšího rozvoje výroby integrovaných obvodů v Číně . SALT LAKE CITY, 20. července 2023 /PRNewswire/ – Společnost Strider Technologies, Inc. dnes zveřejnila novou zprávu, která podrobně popisuje nábor předních vědců, technologů a vedoucích pracovníků evropských společností zástupci Čínské lidové republiky (ČLR) za účelem vývoje pokročilých polovodičů na domácím trhu v Číně. Tyto aktivity jsou součástí strategické iniciativy ČLR, jejímž cílem je modernizovat armádu a stát se světovým technologickým lídrem. „ČLR vytrvale a systematicky usiluje o získání pokročilých technologií i know-how, které potřebuje k naplnění svých vojenských i ekonomických ambicí," konstatoval Greg Levesque, generální ředitel a spoluzakladatel společnosti Strider
W ciągu ostatnich dwudziestu lat Departament Pracy Zjednoczonego Frontu Komunistycznej Partii Chin prowadził działania w całej Europie, mające na celu rekrutację tysięcy osób z czołowych firm z sektora półprzewodników i technologii do firm z siedzibą w ChRL w celu rozwoju branży układów scalonychSALT LAKE CITY, 20 lipca 2023 /PRNewswire/ --Firma Strider Technologies, Inc. opublikowała dziś nowy raport szczegółowo opisujący stosowane przez Chińską Republikę Ludową (ChRL) praktyki służące rekrutacji czołowych naukowców, technologów i kadry kierowniczej z europejskich firm na potrzeby opracowywania zaawansowanych półprzewodników w Chinach. Działania te są częścią strategicznej inicjatywy ChRL ukierunkowanej na modernizację wojska i osiągnięcie pozycji światowego lidera w dziedzinie technologii.„ChRL nie odpuszcza w swoich skoordynowanych, systematycznych dążeniach do pozyskiwania zaawansowanych technologii i wiedzy fachowej, niezbędnych do realizacji ambicji wojskowych i gospodarczych kraju - powiedział Greg Levesque, dyrektor generalny i współzałożyciel firmy Strider. - Nasze dane pokazują, że europejskie firmy technologiczne, zwłaszcza firmy działające w sektorze półprzewodników, są i pozostaną na celowniku geopolitycznej walki o własność intelektualną i talenty. Europejskie rządy i firmy półprzewodnikowe podejmują wyzwanie, ale należy zrobić więcej, aby chronić swoje talenty i konkurencyjność przemysłową w obliczu ponownego pojawienia się konkurencji ze strony wielkich mocarstw".Strider w swoim raporcie podkreśla rolę Departamentu Pracy Zjednoczonego Frontu w identyfikowaniu i rekrutowaniu talentów z całego świata w celu realizacji chińskich strategii przemysłowych i działań określanych zbiorczo jako „Strategia CHRL na rzecz budowania supermocarstwa w zakresie talentów". Dwie organizacje wspierane przez Zjednoczony Front odgrywają kluczową rolę w ukierunkowaniu na europejską technologię półprzewodników i talenty, tj