
Associate Customer Success Engineer

Confirmed live in the last 24 hours



1,001-5,000 employees

Cloud computing platform for developers

Data & Analytics
Enterprise Software

Compensation Overview

$64k - $95.9kAnnually

+ Bonus + Equity Compensation

Entry, Junior

Remote in USA

Customer Success
Customer Support
Customer Success & Support
Sales & Account Management
Sales & Solution Engineering
Required Skills

You match the following DigitalOcean's candidate preferences

Employers are more likely to interview you if you match these preferences:

  • Strong background in cloud technology and Linux systems
  • Strong analytical skills and pattern recognition
  • Strong communication skills, with the ability to explain technical concepts in clear and concise terms
  • Prior experience in similar environments in Tier 1 or Tier 2 Support Engineering, Customer Success type roles
  • Growth mindset, with an unrelenting focus on improving your knowledge and skill set
  • Respond to technical and product questions generated by our customers through tickets, emails, or chats
  • Troubleshoot application and product issues
  • Quickly learn DigitalOcean systems and adapt to rapid changes
  • Work both collaboratively and independently within a team setting (we love Slack!)
  • Identify, communicate, and document process & policy improvement
  • Incident management and escalations
  • Help combat fraud and abuse on the platform
  • Collaborate with other teams and departments to improve the customer's experience
Desired Qualifications
  • Experience with one or more database engines (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB)
  • Certifications such as RHCSA, RHCE, and/or CKA
  • Experience troubleshooting basic and advanced Kubernetes issues, from pods and deployments to the control plane

DigitalOcean provides cloud computing services designed to help developers and businesses focus on building software. Its platform offers mission-critical infrastructure and fully managed services that enable users to quickly build, deploy, and scale applications. DigitalOcean's products work by providing a user-friendly interface and tools that simplify the management of cloud resources, allowing users to allocate computing power, storage, and networking capabilities as needed. What sets DigitalOcean apart from its competitors is its emphasis on simplicity, community engagement, and strong customer support, making it easier for users to navigate cloud computing. The company's goal is to empower developers and businesses to innovate and grow by reducing the time spent on infrastructure management.

Company Size


Company Stage


Total Funding



New York City, New York



Simplify Jobs

Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • Growing demand for cloud-native tools aligns with DigitalOcean's offerings.
  • Rising adoption of hybrid cloud strategies presents integration opportunities for DigitalOcean.
  • Expansion of the global developer community enhances DigitalOcean's community-driven support.

What critics are saying

  • Increased competition from Vultr threatens DigitalOcean's market share.
  • Bare Metal GPUs may increase operational costs, affecting profit margins.
  • Reopening NYC2 Data Center could lead to increased overhead costs.

What makes DigitalOcean unique

  • DigitalOcean offers a no DevOps required experience for developers.
  • The company focuses on simplicity and open source to attract developers globally.
  • DigitalOcean's Bare Metal GPUs cater to demanding AI/ML workloads.

Help us improve and share your feedback! Did you find this helpful?



Full health coverage

Wellness coverage

Flexible vacation time

Team-building & social events

401(k) plans


Education support

Partner support

Employee giving

Growth & Insights and Company News


6 month growth


1 year growth


2 year growth

StartUp Online
Dec 27th, 2024
Hogyan Vonj Be Series A Befektetést?

Amikor egy startup Series A befektetést von be, esélyt kap arra, hogy a világmegváltó ötletből tényleg egy hosszútávon nyereséges vállalkozást faragjon. Ahhoz, hogy alapítóként minél felkészültebben állhass a befektetők elé, hozunk pár tippet.Az egyik legnagyobb mérföldkő egy startup életében, amikor a seed fázist követően sikerül bevonnia egy Series A befektetést. Ekkor adódik meg ugyanis az esély arra, hogy a világmegváltó ötletből tényleg egy hosszútávon működőképes és nyereséges vállalkozás legyen.Ekkorra van már a startupnak jó eséllyel egy piaci validáción átesett terméke vagy szolgáltatása, akár néhány alkalmazottja is, és ahhoz keresi a forrást, hogy azt még tovább fejlessze, bővítse a csapatát, miközben kilép a piacra, és elkezd érdemben bevételt termelni.Ennek megfelelően egy Series A befektetés nagyságrendekkel nagyobb, mint az azt megelőző pre-seed és seed finanszírozás összege. Csak hogy két idei példával érzékeltessük: amíg a magyar edtech AI-startup, a Voovo pre-seed befektetésként 500 ezer dollárt (közel 460 ezer eurót) vont be, addig az úgyszint magyar, BNPL (buy now, pay later) PastPay ennek több mint 260-szorosát, 12 millió eurós dealt ütött nyélbe Series A befektetésként.Mindezek miatt kiváltképp fontos, hogy az alapítók felkészülten álljanak azon kockázatitőke-befektetők elé, akiktől a Series A kört várják. A Sifted cikke alapján ehhez adunk pár tippet.A nagy képet nézd!Amíg egy pre-seed vagy seed fázisban még a jó ötletet, illetve a motivált alapítókat és csapatot keresi mindenekelőtt a befektető, a Series A befektetéshez ez nem elég. Itt a befektető már konkrétabban látni akarja, hogy hosszú távon hogyan lesz neki nyeresége abból, ha a bizalmát és a tőkéjét beléd helyezi.Ezért nem egy-kettő, hanem jóval több lépéssel előrébb érdemes gondolkodnod, és bemutatnod a befektetőnek, hogy a vállalkozásod hogyan lesz képes növekedni, milyen úton lesz nyereséges, akár odáig, hogy hogyan fog eljutni a tőzsdei bevezetésig.Tehát ne csak azt vázold fel, hogy az aktuálisan bevonni kívánt tőkét hogyan használnád fel, hanem azt is, hogy milyen utat fog bejárni a vállalkozásod hosszabb távon.Hozz idősoros adatokat, és támaszd alá velük a sztoridat!Ahhoz, hogy ezt a jövőt hitelesen fel tudd vázolni, nem árt, ha vannak a kezedben ezt alátámasztó adatok

PR Newswire
Dec 19th, 2024
Ceph, The Default Choice Of Enterprise Storage For Mission Critical Workloads, Expands Yearly Event And Welcomes Digitalocean As Its Newest Member

Open source distributed storage system community demonstrated ecosystem growth at recent Cephalocon event with record-breaking attendance and sponsorshipsSAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Ceph Foundation, the global community dedicated to fostering the growth and advancement of Ceph , today announced the completion of a successful Cephalocon 2024 event, which introduced the Ceph New User's Workshop.The Ceph Foundation is also pleased to announce that DigitalOcean has joined as the newest Silver member to help advance open source, distributed storage.Ceph continues to be the most popular open source storage solution for modern data storage challenges due to its highly scalable, resilient, and flexible architecture. It's reached 1 exabyte of storage reported by users in more than 3,000 Ceph clusters across the community, Ceph has solidified its position as the cornerstone of open source data storage.A yearly forum for the Ceph community to come together, share knowledge, showcase the latest innovations, and strengthen collaboration across the ecosystem, Cephalocon 2024 just wrapped up. Held onsite at CERN Science Gateway in Geneva, Switzerland, this year's Cephalocon brought together a record-breaking number of attendees and sponsorships and hosted the first Ceph New User's Workshop ahead of the main event to help onboard new users and provide a formal introduction to the community as well as the The community also continued its tradition of hosting a Ceph Developer Summit ahead of the main conference as well.Highlights from Cephalocon 2024Cephalocon featured a strong program, with keynote presentations from key members of the community speaking to the value and impact of Ceph:CERN , the European Organization for Nuclear Research and one of the world's largest and most respected centres for scientific research, has been involved with Ceph for over ten years, was delighted to host this year's Cephalocon at CERN's flagship visitor and conference center, the Science Gateway. They are eager to continue to nourish and give back to the Ceph community., the European Organization for Nuclear Research and one of the world's largest and most respected centres for scientific research, has been involved with Ceph for over ten years, was delighted to host this year's Cephalocon at CERN's flagship visitor and conference center, the Science Gateway. They are eager to continue to nourish and give back to the Ceph community

Hawk Dive
Dec 19th, 2024
DigitalOcean Unveils Droplet Autoscale Pools for Effortless Workload Scaling

Recognizing this need, DigitalOcean has introduced a powerful new feature called Droplet Autoscale Pools.

Dec 19th, 2024
Vultr hits $3.5bn valuation after first funding round

Another competitor, cloud infrastructure platform DigitalOcean, launched an IPO in 2021 and is also valued at $3.5 billion.

Dec 17th, 2024
Streamline your Kubernetes networking with VPC-native clusters

In addition to VPC-native DOKS clusters, DigitalOcean, Inc. has recently introduced other features to improve networking for DigitalOcean Kubernetes:

Nov 24th, 2024
DigitalOcean Introduces New Bare Metal GPUs

DigitalOcean has just introduced Bare Metal GPUs to its cloud computing platform, purpose-built for the most demanding AI/ML workloads.

Stock Titan
Nov 21st, 2024
DigitalOcean Announces Availability of Bare Metal GPUs

DigitalOcean announces availability of Bare Metal GPUs.

Stock Titan
Nov 14th, 2024
DigitalOcean Introduces Scalable Storage for Managed MongoDB Offering

NEW YORK-(BUSINESS WIRE)- DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: DOCN), the simple scalable cloud, today introduced scalable storage for DigitalOcean's Managed MongoDB offering, giving users the ability to scale their cloud storage capacity independently of other compute requirements.

Nov 13th, 2024
DigitalOcean Expands New York Footprint: NYC2 Data Center Reopens to New Customers

DigitalOcean, Inc. has expanded to provide additional space and added new GPUs to power the next generation of AI/ML businesses.

Nov 13th, 2024
Versor Investments LP Makes New $751,000 Investment in DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DOCN)

Versor Investments LP makes new $751,000 Investment in DigitalOcean Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DOCN).