
Senior Software Engineer

Data Infrastructure

Confirmed live in the last 24 hours

Applied Intuition

Applied Intuition

501-1,000 employees

AI-powered software for vehicle autonomy

Automotive & Transportation
AI & Machine Learning

Compensation Overview

$153k - $222kAnnually

Senior, Expert

Mountain View, CA, USA

In-office requirement: 5 days a week.

Backend Engineering
Software Engineering
Required Skills
Apache Spark
Apache Kafka

You match the following Applied Intuition's candidate preferences

Employers are more likely to interview you if you match these preferences:

  • Experience with large-scale open source data technologies (Spark, Kafka, Hudi, Flyte, etc.)
  • Experience with containerization and other modern software development workflows
  • Knowledge of the open source landscape with judgment on when to choose open source versus build in-house.
  • Scale infrastructure to support all deployment types (cloud, hybrid, on-prem) and across regions.
  • Be involved in the end to end data lifecycle, from the external-facing product to the underlying platform and infrastructure for it.
  • Build features to tune processing pipeline for fast data ingestion and indexing depending on customer's needs and workloads.
  • Enable product workflows that expose performant query interfaces and offer easy-to-use integration hooks.
  • Develop and deploy high-quality software using modern tooling and frameworks, especially open-source technologies.
Desired Qualifications
  • Expertise with modern programming languages (Python, C++, GoLang, Scala, etc.)
  • Experience with other open-source data technologies not listed above.
  • Expertise with Kubernetes.
  • Experience with enterprise software, including on-prem and/or cloud environments.
  • Deep knowledge of data quality, data profiling and cleansing techniques.

Applied Intuition provides software solutions for vehicles, focusing on advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD). Their products include a toolchain and autonomy stack that help manufacturers develop and implement these technologies more efficiently. By using AI, their tools assist in creating safer and more intelligent vehicles, which can be integrated into various industries such as automotive, trucking, construction, mining, and defense. What sets Applied Intuition apart from competitors is their strong partnerships with 18 of the top 20 global automakers, which allows them to tailor their solutions to meet the specific needs of major industry players. The company's goal is to enhance vehicle safety and performance while accelerating the development of next-generation consumer experiences.

Company Size


Company Stage


Total Funding



Sunnyvale, California



Simplify Jobs

Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • Partnership with Isuzu Motors to develop Level 4 autonomous trucks.
  • Recent $300 million funding round boosts R&D and market expansion.
  • Growing demand for autonomous trucking solutions in Japan.

What critics are saying

  • Increased competition from emerging startups in autonomous vehicle software.
  • Potential regulatory hurdles in Japan for Level 4 autonomous trucks.
  • Pressure from investors for rapid growth and returns.

What makes Applied Intuition unique

  • Applied Intuition provides AI-powered ADAS and AD toolchain solutions for autonomous vehicles.
  • The company partners with 18 of the top 20 global automakers.
  • Applied Intuition's software enhances safety and intelligence in modern vehicles.

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Health insurance - We offer some of the best health insurance options on the market, including health, dental, and vision insurance.

401(k) Match - We offer an employer-matched plan to help you save money for retirement.

Fitness stipend - Our wellness program supports your health and fitness goals. We pay for your trainers, gym memberships, massages, and more!

Learning stipend - We invest in your learning and growth by reimbursing you for educational and training expenses.

Growth & Insights and Company News


6 month growth


1 year growth


2 year growth

Applied Intuition
Dec 13th, 2024
Top 5 Takeaways with Sid Sijbrandij

Sid Sijbrandij, Co-founder, Executive Chair and former CEO of GitLab, joined Applied Intuition Inc. at its Mountain View headquarters for a fireside chat.

Yahoo Autos
Sep 4th, 2024
This Japanese Truck Maker Wants to Launch Autonomous Models

Silicon Valley-based Applied Intuition, an autonomous tech developer, is now teaming up with Isuzu Motors Ltd. to create and launch autonomous driving solutions using the truck maker's lineup of commercial models.

Self Driving Cars 360
Aug 28th, 2024
Isuzu Motors Joins Forces With Applied Intuition To Develop Level 4 Autonomous Trucks

Isuzu Motors joins forces with Applied Intuition to develop Level 4 autonomous trucks.

PR Newswire
Aug 27th, 2024
Applied Intuition Und Isuzu Motors Ltd. Schließen Strategische Partnerschaft Zur Entwicklung Autonomer Nutzfahrzeuge

Partnerschaft bietet neue Lösungen für das autonome Fahren, um den aktuellen Lkw-Fahrermangel und Logistikprobleme in Japan zu lindernMOUNTAIN VIEW, Kalifornien, und YOKOHAMA, Japan, 27. August 2024 /PRNewswire/ – Applied Intuition, Inc., ein im Silicon Valley ansässiger Anbieter von Fahrzeugsoftware, und Isuzu Motors Ltd. ein in Japan ansässiger Hersteller von Nutzfahrzeugen, gaben heute eine strategische Partnerschaft bekannt, um das Vorhaben von Isuzu Motors Ltd. zu beschleunigen, autonome LKW-Lösungen zu entwickeln und anzubieten. Die Partnerschaft wird starke wirtschaftliche und soziale Auswirkungen haben, indem sie die kommerzielle Logistik optimiert und damit direkt auf die jüngsten Bedenken hinsichtlich des kritischen Fahrermangels eingeht.Applied Intuition and Isuzu Motors Ltd. Enter Strategic Partnership to Develop Autonomous Commercial TrucksDie Überlastung von Lkw-Fahrern ist in Japan ein großes Problem für die öffentliche Gesundheit – fast 84 % der Fahrer haben damit verbundene gesundheitliche Probleme

PR Newswire
Aug 27th, 2024
Applied Intuition Et Isuzu Motors Ltd. Établissent Un Partenariat Stratégique Pour Le Développement De Camions Commerciaux Autonomes

Le partenariat offre de nouvelles solutions en matière de conduite autonome, permettant d'atténuer les récentes pénuries de chauffeurs routiers et les problèmes logistiques au Japon.MOUNTAIN VIEW, Californie et YOKOHAMA, Japon, 27 août 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Applied Intuition, Inc., fournisseur de logiciels pour véhicules basé dans la Silicon Valley et Isuzu Motors Ltd, fabricant de véhicules commerciaux basé au Japon, ont annoncé aujourd'hui un partenariat stratégique visant à accélérer le projet d'Isuzu Motors Ltd. pour développer et offrir des solutions de camionnage autonomes. Ce partenariat aura de fortes répercussions économiques et sociales en optimisant la logistique commerciale et en répondant directement aux préoccupations récentes concernant la pénurie de chauffeurs.Applied Intuition and Isuzu Motors Ltd. Enter Strategic Partnership to Develop Autonomous Commercial TrucksLe surmenage des chauffeurs routiers est un problème majeur de santé publique au Japon - près de 84 % des chauffeurs sont confrontés à des problèmes de santé liés à ce surmenage. Des études récentes ont montré que les conducteurs de camions étaient responsables de 34,3 % des décès liés au surmenage. En réaction, le gouvernement japonais a révisé sa loi sur les normes du travail, plafonnant les heures de travail annuelles à 3 300 heures, pauses comprises

PR Newswire
Aug 27th, 2024
Applied Intuition And Isuzu Motors Ltd. Enter Strategic Partnership To Develop Autonomous Commercial Trucks

Partnership offers new solutions in autonomous driving, mitigating recent truck driver shortages and logistics issues in JapanMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. and YOKOHAMA, Japan, Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Applied Intuition, Inc. , a Silicon Valley-based vehicle software supplier, and Isuzu Motors Ltd., a Japan-based manufacturer of commercial vehicles, today announced a strategic partnership to accelerate Isuzu Motors Ltd.'s plan to develop and offer autonomous trucking solutions. The partnership will usher in strong economic and social impacts by optimizing commercial logistics, directly addressing recent concerns surrounding critical driver shortages.Applied Intuition and Isuzu Motors Ltd. Enter Strategic Partnership to Develop Autonomous Commercial Trucks Post this Applied Intuition and Isuzu Motors Ltd

Autocar Professional
Aug 27th, 2024
Applied Intuition partners with Isuzu Motors to develop autonomous trucking solutions

Applied Intuition partners with Isuzu Motors to develop autonomous trucking solutions.

PR Newswire
Jul 26th, 2024
Applied Intuition Da La Bienvenida A Un Nuevo Inversor, Fidelity Management Research Company

-Applied Intuition cierra más de 300 millones de dólares en una ronda secundaria y da la bienvenida a un nuevo inversor, Fidelity Management Research Company MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., 26 de julio d 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Applied Intuition, un proveedor de software para vehículos con sede en Silicon Valley para las industrias automotriz, de transporte por carretera, de construcción, minera, agrícola y otras, anunció hoy que ha cerrado una ronda secundaria de más de 300 millones de dólares y da la bienvenida a Fidelity Management Research Company como nuevo inversor. También participaron los inversores existentes General Catalyst, BOND, Lux Capital y Elad Gil. Como parte de la venta secundaria, los inversores compraron acciones de empleados actuales, ex empleados y primeros inversores. Applied Intuition closes over $300 million in a secondary round and welcomes Fidelity Management Research Company as a new investor. "Es fantástico contar con el apoyo de inversores institucionales de primer nivel y a largo plazo", afirmó Qasar Younis, cofundador y consejero delegado de Applied Intuition. "Esta ronda secundaria es un testimonio de nuestro crecimiento y marca nuestra tercera oferta pública de adquisición con algunos de nuestros mayores accionistas: nuestros empleados

PR Newswire
Jul 26th, 2024
Applied Intuition Schließt Eine Zweite Finanzierungsrunde Über 300 Millionen Usd Ab Und Begrüßt Den Neuen Investor Fidelity Management Research Company

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Kalifornien, 26. Juli 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Applied Intuition, ein im Silicon Valley ansässiger Anbieter von Fahrzeugsoftware für die Automobil-, LKW-, Bau-, Bergbau-, Landwirtschafts- und andere Industrien, gab heute den Abschluss einer zweiten Finanzierungsrunde von über 300 Millionen USD bekannt und begrüßt Fidelity Management Research Company als neuen Investor. Bestehende Investoren wie General Catalyst, BOND, Lux Capital und Elad Gil beteiligten sich ebenfalls. Im Rahmen der zweiten Finanzierungsrunde erwarben die Investoren Aktien von derzeitigen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitern sowie von frühen Investoren. Applied Intuition closes over $300 million in a secondary round and welcomes Fidelity Management Research Company as a new investor. „Es ist fantastisch, die Unterstützung von erstklassigen, langfristigen institutionellen Investoren zu haben", sagte Qasar Younis, Mitbegründer und CEO von Applied Intuition

PR Newswire Asia
Jul 26th, 2024
Applied Intuition Closes Over $300M In Secondary Round And Welcomes New Investor Fidelity Management & Research Company

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., July 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Applied Intuition, a Silicon Valley-based vehicle software supplier for automotive, trucking, construction, mining, agriculture and other industries, today announced it has closed a secondary round of over $300 million and welcomes Fidelity Management Research Company as a new investor. Existing investors General Catalyst, BOND, Lux Capital and Elad Gil also participated. As part of the secondary sale, investors purchased equity from current employees, former employees, and early investors