
Senior Software Developer

Posted on 1/21/2025



501-1,000 employees

Software solutions for managing clinical trials

No salary listed


Portland, OR, USA

Backend Engineering
Software Engineering
Required Skills
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • At least 3.5+ years of experience working with C#, .NET, and SQL Server
  • Familiarity with Web-Services, Model View Controller (MVC) and Entity Framework (EF) a plus
  • High achieving personality
  • Desire to learn and grow
  • Strong work ethic
  • Sense of ownership
  • Proactive attitude
  • Time management and organizational skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Work within a cross-functional project team to develop Interactive Response Technology (IRT) for randomization and drug supply management
  • Review user requirements specifications, verifying that all requirements can be implemented with the Suvoda software in the required timeframe
  • Assist with the creation of implementation design and technical design documentation
  • Develop software systems that are reliable, maintainable, and efficient, with emphasis on patient safety and integrity of clinical study data
  • Manage the deployment of Suvoda IRT systems into all environments, completing all required documentation
  • Assist the support team with troubleshooting and resolution of issues reported on production systems
  • Participate in the product research and development process by providing the engineering team with new solutions and ideas based on project experience
  • Generate ideas for innovative technological solutions to increase the quality of Suvoda system
  • Perform other related duties as required

Suvoda offers software solutions for managing complex clinical trials, primarily through its Interactive Response Technology (IRT) system. This system helps with patient randomization, drug supply management, and data collection, and is designed to be modular for quick adaptation to various study types, often within four weeks. Operating on a software as a service (SaaS) model, Suvoda provides ongoing support and additional services like virtual trial solutions, which are essential in today's healthcare landscape. The company's goal is to streamline the clinical trial process, enabling faster market introduction of new treatments.

Company Size


Company Stage


Total Funding



Conshohocken, Pennsylvania



Simplify Jobs

Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • AI-driven patient recruitment tools complement Suvoda's existing IRT system.
  • Blockchain technology offers potential for secure data management innovations at Suvoda.
  • The rise of decentralized trials increases demand for Suvoda's virtual trial solutions.

What critics are saying

  • Sofia may face integration challenges with existing clinical trial systems.
  • Data privacy concerns with Sofia could lead to legal and financial repercussions.
  • Increased competition from AI-driven solutions may challenge Suvoda's market position.

What makes Suvoda unique

  • Suvoda offers a modular IRT system for rapid clinical trial implementation.
  • Their AI assistant, Sofia, simplifies trial data access through natural language queries.
  • Suvoda provides virtual trial solutions, including direct-to-patient shipping, enhancing trial flexibility.

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PR Newswire
Mar 5th, 2025
Suvoda Launches Sofia, A New Ai Assistant To Simplify Management Of Clinical Trials

From many clicks to one query, drug supply managers can more quickly access, analyze, and visualize the trial supply data they need.PHILADELPHIA, March 5, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Suvoda LLC, a global clinical trial technology company that specializes in complex studies in therapeutic areas like oncology, central nervous system (CNS), and rare disease, today announced the early adopter launch of Sofia, an artificial intelligence assistant designed to simplify how study teams access and review clinical trial information.Sofia is available on the Suvoda Platform and can be enabled by sponsors looking to provide drug supply managers with efficient access to vital information through an intuitive chat interface, reducing what were once multi-screen, multi-click processes to simple conversations."When creating Sofia, we asked ourselves: What if clinical trial staff had an AI assistant that could alleviate their administrative burdens?" said E.K. Koh, Chief Product Officer at Suvoda. "Sofia became our answer. It's an exciting opportunity to streamline the management of clinical trials."Built with Suvoda's commitment to reliability and security, Sofia brings greater efficiency to clinical trial operations, while adhering to data privacy and other regulatory requirements in clinical research.Sofia's key capabilities include:Streamlines Information Retrieval: Users access trial information through natural language queries that simplify navigation. They can now easily find answers that otherwise would span multiple screens, putting information they need at their fingertips.Users access trial information through natural language queries that simplify navigation. They can now easily find answers that otherwise would span multiple screens, putting information they need at their fingertips

Pharmaceutical Technology
Nov 15th, 2024
Patient experience in the spotlight at Clinical Trials in Oncology Europe 2024

It follows after Suvoda launched its own purpose-built software platform designed to provide a seamless way for drug trial sponsors and sites to manage data across sites.

PR Newswire
Nov 14th, 2024
Suvoda Erhält Us-Patent Für Seine Ecoa-Softwarearchitektur

Der Low-Code- und No-Code-Ansatz beschleunigt den Entwurf und die Bereitstellung von eCOA-Fragebögen, indem er die Erstellung, Lizenzierung und Lokalisierung von Fragebögen aus dem kritischen Pfad nimmt. PHILADELPHIA, 14. November 2024 /PRNewswire/ – Suvoda, ein weltweit tätiges Technologieunternehmen für klinische Studien, das sich auf komplexe Studien in therapeutischen Bereichen wie Onkologie, Zentralnervensystem (ZNS) und seltene Krankheiten spezialisiert hat, gab den Erhalt eines Patents vom US-Patentamt für die Suvoda Questionnaire Definition Language (SQDL) bekannt, die Teil der Softwarearchitektur seines Produkts eCOA (electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment) ist. Das Patent demonstriert die Leistungsfähigkeit von Suvoda eCOA: beschleunigte Erstellung, Übersetzung, Lokalisierung und Bereitstellung von Fragebögen, damit Sponsoren klinischer Studien ihre Studien effizienter durchführen können. Während eCOA traditionell ein Engpass bei der Durchführung klinischer Studien ist, ermöglichen Suvoda eCOA und sein SQDL-Tool den Sponsoren, qualitativ hochwertige Fragebögen in wenigen Stunden statt in Tagen zu liefern

PR Newswire
Nov 14th, 2024
Suvoda Obtient Un Brevet Américain Pour Son Architecture Logicielle Ecoa

L'approche low-code/no-code accélère la conception et le déploiement des questionnaires eCOA, en éliminant du chemin critique la création des questionnaires, les licences et la localisation. PHILADELPHIE, 14 novembre 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Suvoda, une société mondiale de technologie d'essais cliniques spécialisée dans les études complexes dans des domaines thérapeutiques tels que l'oncologie, le système nerveux central (SNC) et les maladies rares, a annoncé la réception d'un brevet de l'Office américain des brevets pour le Suvoda Questionnaire Definition Language (SQDL), qui fait partie de l'architecture logicielle de son produit eCOA (évaluation électronique des résultats cliniques). Le brevet démontre la puissance de la solution eCOA de Suvoda : accélération de la création, de la traduction, de la localisation et du déploiement des questionnaires afin que les promoteurs d'essais cliniques puissent lancer leurs études plus efficacement. Alors que l'eCOA est traditionnellement un goulot d'étranglement dans la mise en œuvre des essais cliniques, l'eCOA de Suvoda et son outil SQDL permettent aux promoteurs de fournir des questionnaires de haute qualité en quelques heures, au lieu de quelques jours

PR Newswire
Nov 14th, 2024
Suvoda Obtiene Patente De Ee.Uu. Por Su Arquitectura De Software Ecoa

El enfoque de código bajo y sin código acelera el diseño y la implementación del cuestionario eCOA, lo que elimina la creación, la concesión de licencias y la localización del cuestionario de la ruta crítica. PHILADELPHIA, 14 de noviembre de 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Suvoda una empresa global de tecnología de ensayos clínicos especializada en estudios complejos en áreas terapéuticas como oncología, sistema nervioso central (SNC) y enfermedades raras, anunció la recepción de una patente de la Oficina de Patentes de EE.UU. para el Suvoda Questionnaire Definition Language (SQDL), parte de la arquitectura de software de su producto eCOA (evaluación electrónica de resultados clínicos). La patente demuestra el poder de Suvoda eCOA: creación, traducción, localización e implementación aceleradas de cuestionarios para que los patrocinadores de ensayos clínicos puedan lanzar sus estudios de manera más eficiente. Si bien eCOA es tradicionalmente un cuello de botella en la implementación de ensayos clínicos, Suvoda eCOA y su herramienta SQDL permiten a los patrocinadores entregar cuestionarios de alta calidad en cuestión de horas, en lugar de días