
Sr. QA Engineer

Confirmed live in the last 24 hours

Orion Innovation

Orion Innovation

1,001-5,000 employees

Digital transformation and product development services

Enterprise Software


Columbus, OH, USA

QA & Testing
Automation Testing
Quality Assurance

You match the following Orion Innovation's candidate preferences

Employers are more likely to interview you if you match these preferences:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, an Associate’s degree in Computer Science, or equivalent education in a related discipline is required.
  • 6 to 8 years of related work experience in application development.
  • Build and maintain automation needs and solutions, with contributions towards planning, design, scripting, and execution, debugging and reporting tasks.
  • Monitors and executes automation test activities for large sized projects.
  • Coordinate various test-related activities for project delivery, such as identification of task dependencies, creation of test schedules, design of test data, and utilization of test.
  • Craft custom solutions from existing/new processes to facilitate deep coverage of regression/smoke/patch validation needs, as well as in-cycle solutions.
  • Ability to design, plan and execute both application and system testing strategies and tactics to ensure the quality of software at all stages of the system life cycle.
  • Post-test execution activities include error debugging, reporting needs and internal and external communications.
  • Manage relationships and coordinate automation development between different teams at different locations.
  • Develop and monitor test metrics and provide timely communication to key stakeholders on a regular basis.
  • Work with Technical and Business community to define the scope of testing required.
  • Work with Release Engineers, Product, and Program Managers to determine release readiness.
  • Work with multiple programs/sys-teams on projects of significant complexity within one or more development environments.
  • Provide mentoring to less experienced Automation staff and Testers.
  • Performs other duties as required.
Desired Qualifications
  • QA experience in Automated testing of web/windows applications. Heavy exposure to industry leading automation tools and methodologies.
  • Knowledge/experience in U.S. Banking/banking applications is helpful.
  • Ability to understand and create detail test scripts from design documents, independent and integrated products and product trainings.
  • Ability to analyze and report defects or program variances from Regression executions to management and development team.
  • Ability to drive conversations regarding automation needs, assessment of documentation, conversion into structured automation and corresponding reporting capabilities.
  • Participate in automation code reviews and provide quality-driven feedback.
  • Build and improve CI/CD pipelines to ensure efficient testing and deployment processes.
  • Collaborate with engineers to design and implement effective test strategies.
  • Tools: Jenkins, Selenium, UFT, Postman, Jira, CICD, Git, Swagger.
  • Programming and Scripting languages: java, java script, SQL, Selenium, VBScript, .NET languages (VB, C#)
  • Extensive knowledge of information systems elements (hardware, software, network) and their application to business functions/processes.
  • Ability to work effectively in fast paced agile methodologies.
  • Possess good oral, written, and organizational skills.

Orion Innovation provides digital transformation and product development services to help businesses tackle complex challenges. The company offers solutions in digital strategy, experience design, and engineering, which enable clients to enhance their operations and innovate effectively. Orion operates 14 delivery centers worldwide and serves various industries, including technology, healthcare, and finance. What sets Orion apart from its competitors is its focus on building trusted partnerships with clients, allowing them to adapt and grow in a rapidly changing digital landscape. The company's goal is to accelerate digital innovation for its clients, helping them achieve agility and scale in their operations.

Company Size


Company Stage


Total Funding



Edison, New Jersey



Simplify Jobs

Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • Project Fenix partnership highlights potential for similar collaborations in other sports sectors.
  • New CEO Brian Bronson focuses on expanding digital capabilities and market presence.
  • Growing demand for digital transformation in sports organizations boosts Orion's market opportunities.

What critics are saying

  • CEO transition may disrupt operations or client relationships if not managed carefully.
  • Rapid growth may lead to integration challenges within Orion's global team.
  • Sector-specific downturns could impact Orion's diverse industry revenue streams.

What makes Orion Innovation unique

  • Orion has a global presence with 14 major delivery centers worldwide.
  • The company serves diverse industries, including healthcare, financial services, and education.
  • Orion's Grassroots Platform revolutionizes sports management through digital transformation.

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Professional Development Budget

Flexible Work Hours

Company News

Dec 4th, 2024
Orion Innovation and RBFA Launch Project Fenix to Enhance Belgian Football

Orion Innovation and RBFA launch Project Fenix to enhance Belgian Football.

PR Newswire
Dec 3rd, 2024
Orion Innovation Und Der Königliche Belgische Fußballverband Starten Das Projekt Fenix, Um Das Digitale Ökosystem Des Belgischen Fußballs Zu Revolutionieren

BRÜSSEL, 3. Dezember 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Orion Innovation („Orion"), ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Dienstleistungen im Bereich der digitalen Transformation und Produktentwicklung, hat sich mit dem Königlich-Belgischen Fußballverband (RBFA) zusammengetan, um das Projekt Fenix umzusetzen: eine Initiative zur Revolutionierung der digitalen Infrastruktur des belgischen Fußballs. Das Herzstück dieser Transformation ist die Grassroots Plattform von Orion, ein leistungsstarkes Sportsystem, das entwickelt wurde, um die Abläufe zu digitalisieren und zu optimieren und die Erfahrungen auf allen Ebenen des Fußballs in Belgien zu verbessern. Das Projekt Fenix wird den RBFA in die Lage versetzen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und wichtige Initiativen umzusetzen, um die Beteiligung zu erhöhen und die Zukunft des Fußballs zu fördern

PR Newswire
Dec 3rd, 2024
Orion Innovation Et La Royal Belgian Football Association Lancent Le Projet Fenix Pour Révolutionner L'Écosystème Numérique Du Football Belge

BRUXELLES, 3 décembre 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Orion Innovation (« Orion »), un leader mondial des services de transformation numérique et de développement de produits, s'est associé à la Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) pour mettre en œuvre le projet Fenix, une initiative destinée à révolutionner l'infrastructure numérique du football belge. Au cœur de cette transformation se trouve la Grassroots Platform (plateforme de base) d'Orion, un système sportif puissant conçu pour numériser et optimiser les opérations et améliorer les expériences à tous les niveaux du football en Belgique. Le projet Fenix permettra à la RBFA de prendre des décisions éclairées et de mettre en œuvre des initiatives clés afin d'accroître la participation et d'assurer l'avenir du football

PR Newswire
Dec 3rd, 2024
Orion Innovation Y Royal Belgian Football Association Lanzan El Proyecto Fenix

-Orion Innovation y Royal Belgian Football Association lanzan el Proyecto Fenix para revolucionar el ecosistema digital del fútbol belga BRUSELAS, 3 de diciembre de 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Orion Innovation ("Orion"), un líder mundial en servicios de desarrollo de productos y transformación digital, se ha asociado con la Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) para implementar el Proyecto Fenix, una iniciativa diseñada para revolucionar la infraestructura digital del fútbol belga. En el corazón de esta transformación se encuentra la Grassroots Platform de Orion, un potente sistema deportivo diseñado para digitalizar y optimizar las operaciones y mejorar las experiencias en todos los niveles del fútbol en Bélgica. El Proyecto Fenix permitirá a la RBFA tomar decisiones informadas e implementar iniciativas clave para aumentar la participación y fomentar el futuro del fútbol

Dec 3rd, 2024
Project Fenix: Revolutionizing Belgian Football through Digital Innovation

Orion Innovation, a global digital transformation leader, has teamed up with the Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) to launch Project Fenix.

PR Newswire
Dec 3rd, 2024
Orion Innovation And Royal Belgian Football Association Launch Project Fenix To Revolutionize Belgian Football'S Digital Ecosystem

BRUSSELS, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Orion Innovation ("Orion"), a global leader in digital transformation and product development services, has partnered with the Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) to deliver Project Fenix, an initiative designed to revolutionize Belgian football's digital infrastructure. At the heart of this transformation is Orion's Grassroots Platform, a powerful sports system designed to digitise and optimise operations and enhance experiences across all levels of football in Belgium. Project Fenix will empower the RBFA to make informed decisions and implement key initiatives to increase participation and nurture the future of football

Royal Belgian Football Association
Dec 3rd, 2024

RBFA selects Orion Innovation for the development of A new digital platform.

PR Newswire
Nov 15th, 2024
Orion Innovation Nombra A Brian Bronson Como Consejero Delegado

Ejecutivo y líder de la industria tecnológica impulsará la próxima fase de crecimiento de la empresaEDISON, N.J., 15 de noviembre de 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Orion Innovation ("Orion"), una empresa líder en servicios de desarrollo de productos y transformación digital, anunció hoy el nombramiento de Brian Bronson como consejero delegado, con efecto inmediato. Con más de 25 años de experiencia en liderazgo en sectores tecnológicos globales, Bronson liderará la próxima fase de crecimiento y transformación de Orion, centrándose en expandir las capacidades digitales de la empresa y su presencia en el mercado. Brian sucede a Raj Patil, quien pasará a desempeñar un papel de asesor en la empresa

PR Newswire
Nov 14th, 2024
Orion Innovation Nomme Brian Bronson Au Poste De Directeur Général

Un cadre dirigeant et leader de l'industrie technologique pour conduire la prochaine phase de croissance de l'entrepriseEDISON, New Jersey, 14 novembre 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Orion Innovation (« Orion »), une société de services de transformation numérique et de développement de produits de premier plan, a annoncé aujourd'hui la nomination de Brian Bronson au poste de directeur général, à compter d'aujourd'hui. Avec plus de 25 ans d'expérience à des postes de direction dans les secteurs technologiques mondiaux, M. Bronson dirigera la prochaine phase de croissance et de transformation d'Orion, en se concentrant sur l'expansion des capacités numériques de l'entreprise et de sa présence sur le marché. Brian succède à Raj Patil, qui jouera désormais un rôle consultatif auprès de l'entreprise et de One Equity Partners

PR Newswire
Nov 14th, 2024
Orion Innovation Ernennt Brian Bronson Zum Chief Executive Officer

Führungskraft aus der Technologiebranche soll nächste Phase des Unternehmenswachstums vorantreibenEDISON, N.J., 14. November 2024 /PRNewswire/ – Orion Innovation („Orion"), ein führendes Dienstleistungsunternehmen für digitale Transformation und Produktentwicklung, gab heute die Ernennung von Brian Bronson zum Chief Executive Officer mit sofortiger Wirkung bekannt. Mit über 25 Jahren Führungserfahrung in globalen Technologiesektoren wird Bronson die nächste Wachstums- und Transformationsphase von Orion leiten und sich dabei auf den Ausbau der digitalen Fähigkeiten und der Marktpräsenz des Unternehmens konzentrieren. Brian tritt die Nachfolge von Raj Patil an, der in eine beratende Funktion beim Unternehmen und bei One Equity Partners wechseln wird