Posted on 11/6/2024
Software solutions for industrial robotics accessibility
$214.4k - $227.8kAnnually
Mountain View, CA, USA
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Intrinsic.ai develops software solutions that simplify the programming and operation of industrial robots, making them more accessible to a wider range of businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and developers. Their software leverages advancements in artificial intelligence and simulation to allow robots to perform various tasks and adapt to changes without the need for extensive programming. This approach enhances the versatility and value of existing robotic systems. Unlike traditional industrial robotics, which can be complex and costly to implement, Intrinsic.ai focuses on providing user-friendly solutions that enable clients to integrate advanced robotics into their operations more easily. The company's goal is to democratize robotics technology, driving productivity and innovation across different industries.
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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Listen to this articleComau is expanding from automotive manufacturing to logistics applications such as pick and place. Source: Comau. If change is constant in technology, even established industrial automation providers must adapt to keep up. Comau SpA recently said it is shifting from traditional robotics to software-driven systems and industry-agnostic technologies. The company has been expanding from the automotive industry and systems integration to new markets including logistics and energy, noted Allesandro Piscioneri, global head of strategic marketing, advanced robotics, and digital segments at Comau
Listen to this articleThe Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) yesterday released ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco. The 10th version of ROS 2 is a long-term support (LTS) release that will be supported until May 2029. Jazzy Jalisco offers a host of new features and enables connectivity between existing ROS code and the Intrinsic platform. Intrinsic, a spinout of the X moonshot division of Alphabet in mid-2021, acquired the Open Source Robotics Corporation in late 2022. OSRF said ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco is primarily supported on the following platforms:Tier 1 platforms: Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble): amd64 and arm64 | Windows 10 (Visual Studio 2019): amd64. Tier 2 platforms: RHEL 9: amd64
Intrinsic, an AI robotics company that emerged from Alphabet, is collaborating with NVIDIA to enhance autonomous robotic manipulation.
Intrinsic uses NVIDIA foundation models to improve robotic grasping. By Steve Crowe | May 6, 2024Listen to this article. Intrinsic, a software and AI robotics company that spun out of Alphabet, now integrates with NVIDIA AI and Isaac platform technologies in hopes of advancing the state of autonomous robotic manipulation. Under the collaboration, NVIDIA and Intrinsic plan to bring state-of-the-art dexterity and modular AI capabilities for robotic arms, with a robust collection of foundation models and GPU-accelerated libraries to accelerate a greater number of new robotics tasks
Discover how companies are responsibly integrating AI in production. This invite-only event in SF will explore the intersection of technology and business. Find out how you can attend here. Nvidia and Alphabet’s Intrinsic have teamed up to show off advancements in robotic grasping and industrial scalability. The companies said that the landscape of robotics will further change with the integration of new AI and platform technologies. At the Automate trade show in Chicago this week, Intrinsic is unveiling advances in robotic grasping and industrial scalability, powered by Nvidia’s Isaac Manipulator and AI capabilities.Isaac Manipulator, introduced by Nvidia at GTC 2024 in March, represents a milestone in industrial automation
Listen to this articleKEBA demonstrates PCB testing at SPS 2023. Source: Intrinsic. Intrinsic Innovation LLC is building a software platform that it said will make robotics more accessible to developers. This week, the company is demonstrating how its real-time control framework can be integrated with KEBA Group AG’s robot controllers at the Smart Production Solutions, or SPS, trade fair. “A core design principle for our team at Intrinsic is hardware interoperability,” said Intrinsic in a blog post. “As we build a platform to make robotics more accessible to solutions builders around the world, we rely whenever possible on open interfaces, industry standards, and existing ecosystems.”
Working together with KEBA, a global industrial automation solutions company, its teams have integrated KEBA's robot controller with Intrinsic's real-time control framework, which underpins Intrinsic Flowstate.
Inside Comau’s testing of Intrinsic Flowstate. By Brianna Wessling | June 16, 2023Listen to this article. Intrinsic tested its latest platform and Flowstate with Comau, an Italian-based robot manufacturer and global systems integrator. Comau has been working with Intrinsic for several years now to validate Intrinsic’s platform technology and developer product, Flowstate, through real-world use cases.
Listen to this articleBetween big events like the Robotics Summit Expo and Automate, acquisition news, and big funding announcements, there was no shortage of exciting robotics news to cover in May. . Here are the top 10 most popular stories on The Robot Report in May 2023. Subscribe to The Robot Report Newsletter or listen to The Robot Report Podcast to stay updated on the robotics stories you need to know about.10. Vorwerk Group closing robot vacuum maker Neato Robotics. The Vorwek Group announced in a press release late last week that it will be shutting down Neato Robotics, a robotic vacuum manufacturer that has been part of Vorwek Group since 2017. Vorwek Group decided to close Neato after “lots of restructuring efforts,” according to reporting from TechHive. Read More