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Real-time data connectivity and integration platform
Carrboro, NC, USA
CData is not currently registered as an employer in the following states, and therefore, applicants from these states will not be considered: Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
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CData offers a platform for real-time data connectivity that enables businesses to integrate and manage data from various applications and infrastructures. Its main products, CData Connect Cloud and CData Sync, allow for seamless integration of cloud, on-premise, and hybrid data, as well as automated data movement. CData differentiates itself by providing hundreds of real-time data connectors, simplifying the integration process for its customers. The company's goal is to help businesses eliminate data silos and make informed, data-driven decisions.
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Growth Equity (Venture Capital)
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Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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"We are honored that Gartner recognized our ability to execute and completeness of vision by including CData as the only new entrant in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools"Post this
CData has released new CData Drivers and Connectors for Salesforce Data Cloud.
CData CData Software, Inc. is excited to announce the release of CData Virtuality 4.8, packed with a range of new features and updates.
Okta: A leader in identity and access management, Okta now integrates seamlessly with CData Drivers.
CData CData Software, Inc. is excited to announce the newest updates to CData Arc, designed to streamline your workflows, improve trading partner management, and make the platform even more user-friendly.
CData Connect Cloud has launched its newest feature, Query Builder, which enables users to easily understand, find, blend, and create datasets on the fly, with a simple no-code interface.
As 2024 winds down, award season for startups is heating up. The most recent night of celebration occured this week up in North Carolina, where the organization NC TECH handed out its annual awards to startups, companies, and tech leaders across the state. Companies across the Research Triangle area were well represented. But it was a particularly big night for the City of Wilmington, the coastal hub for fintech and healthcare innovation. Local startups Apiture, Vantaca, Nuream, Artemis Immersive, and Lumos Data were all honored in Raleigh
CData CData Software, Inc. is thrilled to announce that CData has been named to the 2024 Deloitte Technology Fast 500(TM) as one of the fastest-growing technology companies in North America for the third year running.
CData launches free Connect Spreadsheets Product to simplify access to enterprise data for Excel and Google Sheets users.
CData Software makes its third consecutive appearance on the 2024 Deloitte Technology Fast 500(TM).