The AI resume builder designed for job seekers.

See how well your resume fits the job description you're applying to, identify missing keywords, and easily tailor it to stand out from the crowd.

30,000,000+ applications submitted

Craft the perfect resume for every job.

No two jobs are the same - your resume shouldn't be either. Simplify's AI resume builder helps you tailor your resume to the job description you're applying to in just a few clicks.


Put your best foot forward

Candidates that tailor their resume using Simplify's AI resume builder get 25% more interviews on average.

Easily build and edit your resume

See a 'resume match score' for every job you apply to and easily tailor your resume based on the job description using Simplify's free resume editor.

Identify missing keywords in your resume

Simplify's Copilot Extension gives you a resume match percentage for every job you apply to and keyword recommendations to add to your resume.


Get resume tips from Simplify's AI

Not sure the best way to describe your previous job? We trained an AI on recruiter-endorsed resumes to give you targeted suggestions and tips!

Create cover letters in seconds

Generate a customized cover letter using your resume and the job description you're applying to in seconds with our AI.
