Interview Advice

Tips for Making a Good Impression on Your Virtual Interview

Congrats on landing an interview! The next step is to prepare so you can make a great first impression! Here are some tips to help.

(Updated: ) - 5 min read
Leila Le
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As an Operations Lead, Leila oversees Simplify's blog & newsletter, reaching 100K job-seekers monthly, where she brings experience curating resources for candidates to help them land their dream job.

Virtual interviews can be quite different from in-person interviews, and making a lasting impression on a virtual interviewer can be more challenging. With the right tips and tricks, however, you can make a lasting impression on your virtual interview and prove that you are the ideal candidate for the job.

Before your interview, make sure to test your technology. Make sure you’re logged into the interview link and ready to go a few minutes early.  It is also important to double-check that your computer's audio and video are working properly and that your internet connection is stable.

This will help you avoid any last minute technical difficulties and give you a chance to calm your nerves. It’s also important to test your computer and the interview link ahead of time. The last thing you want is to have technical difficulties right before your interview.

Set Up a Quiet, Distraction Free Space

Find a quiet, distraction-free space to set up your computer. This will help you focus and be more present during the interview. It’s important to be present and focused during your interview so you can make a good impression on the interviewer. Your interviewers will be able to see your background, so tidy up and make sure your setting is neat and tidy. Having a clean and organized background will send the message that you’re very detail-oriented.

Avoid anything that might be a distraction during the interview, such as having your phone in your hand or having the television on in the background. These things will make it more difficult to focus on the interview and make a good impression. Make sure you’re in a well-ventilated, quiet room for your virtual interview.  It will also be important to inform anyone else in your home that you have an interview.

Remember to sit up straight and make eye contact with the interviewer just like you would in an in-person interview. It can be easy to get slouchy or distracted when you’re not in a face-to-face meeting, but it’s important to remember your body language and eye contact. This will help you appear more engaged and interested in the conversation.

Dress Professionally

Even though you’re interviewing virtually, it’s important to dress as though you’re interviewing in person. Dressing professionally shows that you’re taking the interview seriously. Just because you’re interviewing virtually doesn’t mean you can dress down. First impressions matter, so make sure you’re dressed professionally from head to toe. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a suit, but you should avoid wearing anything too casual like sweats or pajamas.

If you're not sure what to wear, it's always better to err on the side of being too dressy, rather than being too casual. A nice blouse or button-down shirt with dress pants or a skirt is always a good choice. Avoid wearing bright colors or loud patterns, as this can be distracting. If you're interviewing for a more casual position, you can dress down a bit, but make sure you're still looking neat and put-together.

Rehearse Your Answers

Prepare for common interview questions by rehearsing your answers. This will help you feel more confident and less nervous during the interview. It can also be helpful to practice your answers to common questions with a friend or family member. This will help you get used to saying your answers out loud and help you sound more natural during the interview.

Make sure you sound enthusiastic and engaged during the interview. This will help you stand out and make a good impression. Be ready to talk about your experience, skills, and qualifications. This will help you come across as prepared and knowledgeable about the position.

In addition to preparing for common interview questions, it’s also important to prepare for behavioral interview questions. These are questions that ask you to describe a time when you displayed a certain behavior or skill. Behavioral interview questions are designed to assess your skills and experience in a specific area.

Ready to practice some questions? Check out our piece on the most common interview questions (and how to answer them) here!

Research the Company

Make sure you’re familiar with the company beforehand. This will help you ask more informed questions and show that you’re truly interested in the position. Make sure you know everything you can about the company, the role, and the interviewing panel. This will help you come across as an informed and engaged candidate.

Some things you can research ahead of time include the company’s history, their mission and values, and recent news or articles about the company. This will help you prepare for questions about the company and show that you’re excited about the opportunity to work there. Prepare a few questions to ask during the interview. This will show that you’re interested in the position and the company. It will also give you a chance to learn more about the role and see if it’s a good fit for you.

Not sure what questions to ask? 

Asking questions after an interview is important because it gives you an opportunity to ask any additional questions that may have gone unanswered, to clarify any confusion you may have had, and to express your interest in the job. Here are some questions you can ask in your interviews!

  • What do you see as the next steps in the hiring process?
  • What drew you to this position/company?
  • What can you tell me more about the company culture?
  • What do you think are the biggest challenges I could face in this role?
  • What do you think will be the biggest opportunities in this role?

Follow Up After Your Call

Following up after an interview is a great way to demonstrate your interest in the role and make a lasting impression. It shows that you care about the company, the position, and the team you will be working with. It also gives you one more chance to highlight why you are the right fit for the position, so make sure to mention your qualifications and experience.

Finally, following up gives you the opportunity to show your appreciation for the interviewer’s time. This is a nice gesture, and it can help you stand out from other candidates. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to make a great impression on your virtual interview.

What is a good follow up email after a virtual interview?

Subject Line: Thank You for Considering Me for the [Position Name] 

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I want to thank you for considering me for the [Position Name] internship at [Company Name]. I greatly appreciate the time you took to meet with me and discuss the position and the company. I am incredibly excited about the opportunity to work with [Company Name] and am confident that I could be a great fit for the role.

I am impressed by the passion and dedication the team demonstrated during our meeting, and I am eager to be a part of [Company Name]. I am confident that my qualifications, skills, and experience would be a great asset to the team.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you make a decision. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

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