
Senior Software Security Engineer

Confirmed live in the last 24 hours

Wikimedia Foundation

Wikimedia Foundation

501-1,000 employees

Operates Wikipedia and free knowledge projects

Social Impact

Compensation Overview

$105.3k - $163.6kAnnually


Remote in USA + 2 more

More locations: Remote in UK | Remote in Canada

The Wikimedia Foundation is a remote-first organization and is currently able to hire in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Uruguay.

IT & Security
Required Skills

You match the following Wikimedia Foundation's candidate preferences

Employers are more likely to interview you if you match these preferences:

  • Strong software engineering experience with a focus on security
  • Ability to work effectively in a modern, object-oriented PHP code-base
  • Experience developing client-side JavaScript
  • Experience in developing secure software or security-related product features
  • A strong interest in working with a talented security team and learning more specialist security skills such as exploiting and mitigating application-level vulnerabilities
  • Patience in explaining security issues and their implications on privacy and risk to non-technical audiences
  • Sensitivity to the security challenges faced by participants in a large, international project
  • Experience using Linux at the command line for tasks related to web application development and deployment
  • Ability to maintain focus when working remotely
  • Help design and build MediaWiki security capabilities
  • Review and deploy security features developed by the Foundation and community members
  • Work with other development teams to ensure that they make safe architectural and implementation choices
  • Perform security maintenance and address technical debt in security-critical components
  • Provide support for application security incidents and operations
Desired Qualifications
  • Experience working on anti-abuse mechanisms such as CAPTCHA and bot detection
  • Previous experience building security countermeasures against attacks on technologies at the web, backend and database level
  • Experience finding and fixing security bugs and reviewing code for security gaps
  • A working knowledge of threat modeling and secure design patterns

The Wikimedia Foundation operates Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects, aiming to create a world where everyone can freely access and share knowledge. It provides a platform for users to read, contribute, and share content, while also supporting the volunteer communities that help maintain these projects. The foundation is different from competitors because it is a nonprofit organization that relies on donations from individuals and institutions, rather than advertising or subscription fees. Its goal is to ensure that all knowledge is freely available to everyone, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing.

Company Size


Company Stage


Total Funding



San Francisco, California



Simplify Jobs

Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • Nvidia's NeMo Retriever tech reduced Wikipedia processing time from 30 days to 3 days.
  • Holistic AI's audit under the DSA enhances Wikimedia's platform safety and accountability.
  • Collaboration with Open Foundation West Africa combats misinformation during Ghana's elections.

What critics are saying

  • Reliance on Nvidia's AI tech may affect Wikimedia's data processing autonomy.
  • DSA audit could reveal vulnerabilities requiring significant resources to address.
  • Decentralized platforms like Mastodon may divert users from Wikipedia.

What makes Wikimedia Foundation unique

  • Wikimedia Foundation operates the world's largest free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
  • It supports a diverse range of projects like Wiktionary and Wikisource.
  • The Foundation is a non-profit, relying on global donations for funding.

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Remote Work Options

Company News

Dec 17th, 2024
Nvidia And Datastax Just Made Generative Ai Smarter And Leaner — Here’S How

Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More. Nvidia and DataStax launched new technology today that dramatically reduces storage requirements for companies deploying generative AI systems, while enabling faster and more accurate information retrieval across multiple languages.The new Nvidia NeMo Retriever microservices, integrated with DataStax’s AI platform, cuts data storage volume by 35 times compared to traditional approaches — a crucial capability as enterprise data is projected to reach more than 20 zettabytes by 2027.“Today’s enterprise unstructured data is at 11 zettabytes, roughly equal to 800,000 copies of the Library of Congress, and 83% of that is unstructured with 50% being audio and video,” said Kari Briski, VP of product management for AI at Nvidia, in an interview with VentureBeat. “Significantly reducing these storage costs while enabling companies to effectively embed and retrieve information becomes a game changer.”Nvidia’s NeMo Retriever technology delivers a 35x improvement in data storage efficiency, as illustrated in a comparison of raw text storage, baseline vector embeddings, and reduced embedding dimensions. This breakthrough underpins the scalability of generative AI across enterprise applications. (Credit: Nvidia)The technology is already proving transformative for Wikimedia Foundation, which used the integrated solution to reduce processing time for 10 million Wikipedia entries from 30 days to under three days

Business Wire
Dec 16th, 2024
Holistic AI Completes World-First Independent Audit of Wikipedia Under the Digital Services Act

By partnering with the Wikimedia Foundation to conduct the first-ever audit of Wikipedia under the DSA, Holistic AI is also helping VLOPs assess and mitigate the risks of online platforms and implement best practices that prioritize innovation, safety, and accountability.

Nov 29th, 2024
¿Pueden Las Redes Sociales Descentralizadas Garantizar Realmente La Libertad De Expresión?

En un mundo donde las plataformas de redes sociales tradicionales dominan la conversación digital, ¿están surgiendo alternativas descentralizadas como un contrapunto prometedor a la censura o como un caldo de cultivo para el discurso de odio?BeInCrypto habla con Anurag Arjun, cofundador de Avail, un pionero en infraestructura blockchain que está apasionado por cómo la descentralización puede potencialmente transformar el discurso y la gobernanza en línea.Las redes sociales descentralizadas enfrentan desafíosEn octubre, X (anteriormente Twitter) suspendió la cuenta en hebreo del líder supremo iraní Ali Khamenei por “violar las reglas de la plataforma”. La publicación en cuestión comentaba sobre el ataque de represalia de Israel en Teherán, reavivando debates globales sobre el poder que las plataformas centralizadas tienen sobre el discurso público.Muchos preguntaron: ¿Puede ser que al líder supremo de una nación no se le permita comentar sobre ataques aéreos que ocurren dentro de sus propias fronteras? Dejando de lado la sensibilidad política, lo mismo sucede todo el tiempo con creadores cotidianos en contextos de menor importancia. Leer más: ¿Qué son las DeFi o finanzas descentralizadas?En el segundo trimestre de 2024, el sistema de marcado automático de YouTube eliminó aproximadamente 8,19 millones de videos, mientras que el marcado generado por usuarios eliminó solo alrededor de 238,000 videos.En respuesta, plataformas descentralizadas como Mastodon y Lens Protocol están ganando popularidad. Mastodon, por ejemplo, vio un aumento de 2,5 millones de usuarios activos desde la adquisición de Twitter por Elon Musk en noviembre de 2022. Estas plataformas prometen redistribuir el control, pero esto plantea preguntas complejas sobre moderación, responsabilidad y escalabilidad:. “La descentralización no significa la ausencia de moderación, se trata de trasladar el control a las comunidades de usuarios mientras se mantiene la transparencia y la responsabilidad”, Anurag Arjun, cofundador de Avail, dijo a BeInCrypto en una entrevista

Modern Ghana
Nov 20th, 2024
Open Foundation West Africa engages journalists to combat misinformation ahead of December polls

Open Foundation West Africa (OFWA), in collaboration with the Wikimedia Foundation and Code for Africa, has organized a one-day forum to equip journalists with the tools to combat misinformation and disinformation during the upcoming December elections in Ghana.

Startup Italia
Mar 6th, 2024
«Sono Le Persone Il Vero Motore Di Wikipedia». Così L’Enciclopedia Libera Affronta Le Sfide Dell’Ia

L’enciclopedia online più grande al mondo ha compiuto 23 anni. Per tracciare un bilancio e scoprire le prospettive future della piattaforma, abbiamo intervistato Chris Albon, Director of Machine Learning della Wikimedia Foundation. «La voce più letta nel 2023? Quella di ChatGPT»È il 15 gennaio 2001 quando, negli Stati Uniti, l’imprenditore 34enne Jimmy Wales e il filosofo Larry Sanger lanciano Wikipedia, una piattaforma destinata a rivoluzionare l’accesso alla conoscenza. Online, condivisa, gratuita, aperta a tutti. «Costruita dalle persone e per le persone». L’idea è di Wales, che aveva passato ore della sua infanzia sui tomi di una classica enciclopedia che la madre aveva acquistato da un venditore porta a porta

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Sep 8th, 2023

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Tech Announcer
Jul 24th, 2023
Press release from Wiki sources: pioneering a cutting-edge promotion

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Wikimedia Foundation
Jun 27th, 2023
Wikimedia Foundation appoints new Chief Talent and Culture Officer and Chief Communications Officer – Wikimedia Foundation

The Wikimedia Foundation, the global nonprofit that operates Wikipedia, today announced that Courtney Bass Sherizen will be joining as the new Chief Talent and Culture Officer, and Anusha Alikhan will become the Chief Communications Officer.