
Staff Software Engineer

Posted on 6/27/2024



201-500 employees

Relationship intelligence platform for dealmakers

Compensation Overview

CA$160k - CA$230kAnnually

Senior, Expert

Remote in Canada

Backend Engineering
Full-Stack Engineering
Software Engineering
Required Skills
  • ~10+ years of experience in software engineering, with at least 3+ years of experience leading teams that deliver end-to-end systems
  • Comfortable troubleshooting across network, application, caching, queuing, load-balancing, storage, and distributed services layers
  • Expert in one or more OOP languages and modern OOD, with some experience using Ruby
  • Know how to diagnose and improve performance issues systematically
  • Can effectively contribute to technical strategy and roadmaps on product-oriented teams
  • Communicate nuanced ideas clearly, whether explaining technical decisions in writing or brainstorming in real time
  • Demonstrate strong ownership instincts and sweat the details
  • Have strong convictions, weakly held, and assume validation and iteration are a given to produce the best results
  • Excited to work on a cross-functional team, partnering with product stakeholders, other teams, and subject matter experts
  • Become the deep expert in the above product areas, lead the technical design of critical initiatives, and be an active code contributor during execution phases
  • Ensure our software is architecturally consistent and delivers a snappy user experience
  • Collaborate across team boundaries to align on and coordinate change, as this team manages data models that have touchpoints upstream and downstream
  • Research and propose new technologies or architectures that drive the team’s critical systems while considering the larger implications
  • Mentor other engineers to uplevel them individually and the team as a whole
  • Promote operational excellence with focus on high reliability, performance, and scalability
  • Work at all levels of the stack, with a preference for backend development

Affinity is a relationship intelligence platform that assists dealmakers by providing automated insights to help them find, manage, and close deals. The platform analyzes a team's network and activities, allowing users to easily identify connections and relationships that can facilitate deal-making. Unlike traditional CRM systems, Affinity centralizes and automates CRM efforts, making the process more efficient and user-friendly. The goal of Affinity is to enhance deal-making efficiency by leveraging relationship intelligence.

Company Size


Company Stage

Series C

Total Funding



San Francisco, California



Simplify Jobs

Simplify's Take

What believers are saying

  • Growing demand for AI-driven CRM solutions boosts Affinity's market potential.
  • Affinity's subscription model ensures steady revenue and customer retention.
  • Expansion into niche markets like private capital enhances Affinity's growth opportunities.

What critics are saying

  • Canva's acquisition of Affinity may disrupt existing client relationships and services.
  • New CEO Ken Fine's strategy changes could impact company culture and client satisfaction.
  • Intensifying CRM market competition challenges Affinity's market position.

What makes Affinity unique

  • Affinity uses AI to enhance CRM with relationship intelligence and natural language processing.
  • The platform auto-populates pipelines, reducing manual data entry and increasing deal flow.
  • Affinity centralizes CRM efforts, offering automated insights and efficient relationship management.

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Business Wire
May 23rd, 2024
Affinity Ernennt Ken Fine Zum Ceo

SAN FRANCISCO LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Affinity, die Beziehungsintelligenz-Plattform für Geschäftsleute, hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass Ken Fine neuer CEO des Unternehmens wird. Mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Führung von B2B SaaS Unternehmen durch erfolgreiches Wachstum, wird Ken Fine Affinity in das nächste Kapitel der Innovation und Expansion führen. "Ich bin stolz auf das Unternehmen, das wir aufgebaut haben, und auf das, was unser Team erreicht hat. Da wir die Landschaft des Privatkapitals weiter umgestalten, wussten wir, dass wir eine Führungspersönlichkeit mit großer Erfahrung in der Skalierung von wachstumsstarken Unternehmenssoftwarefirmen brauchten", sagte Ray Zhou, Mitbegründer von Affinity. "Ken bringt eine Erfolgsbilanz von Wachstumsunternehmen zu Affinity. Seine Führungsqualitäten werden entscheidend dazu beitragen, Affinity durch die nächsten Wachstumsphasen zu führen, und Shubham und ich freuen uns sehr, ihn im Team begrüßen zu dürfen."

Business Wire
May 23rd, 2024
Affinity Nomme Ken Fine Comme Nouveau Ceo

SAN FRANCISCO et LONDRES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Affinity, la plateforme d'intelligence relationnelle des hommes d'affaires, a annoncé aujourd'hui la nomination de Ken Fine comme nouveau CEO. Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience à la tête d'entreprises SaaS B2B, Ken mènera Affinity vers sa nouvelle phase d'innovation et d'expansion. « Je suis fier de l'entreprise que nous avons créée et de ce que notre équipe a accompli. En poursuivant la transformation du paysage du capital privé, nous savions que nous avions besoin d'un leader possédant une solide expérience dans le développement de sociétés de logiciels d'entreprise à forte croissance », a déclaré Ray Zhou, cofondateur d'Affinity. « Ken rejoint Affinity avec son palmarès en matière de réussite des entreprises en croissance. Son leadership sera déterminant pour propulser Affinity à travers nos prochaines étapes de croissance, et Shubham et moi sommes extrêmement heureux de l'accueillir au sein de l'équipe »

Business Wire
May 23rd, 2024
Samenvatting: Affinity Benoemt Ken Fine Tot Chief Executive Officer

SAN FRANCISCO LONDEN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Affinity, het relatie-intelligentieplatform voor dealmakers, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat Ken Fine de nieuwe CEO wordt. Met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in het leiden van B2B SaaS-bedrijven door succesvolle groei, zal Ken leidinggeven aan Affinity op weg naar het volgende hoofdstuk van innovatie en expansie. “Ik ben trots op het bedrijf dat we hebben opgebouwd en wat ons team heeft bereikt. Terwijl we het particuliere kapitaallandschap blijven transformeren, wisten we dat we een leider nodig hadden met een sterke ervaring in het opschalen van snelgroeiende enterprise-softwarebedrijven,” aldus Ray Zhou, medeoprichter van Affinity. “Ken brengt Affinity een staat van dienst vol succes bij groeibedrijven. Zijn leiderschap zal een belangrijke rol spelen bij het voortstuwen van Affinity door onze volgende groeifasen, en Shubham en ik zijn verheugd hem in het team te mogen verwelkomen.”