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Paris, France
Sketchfab provides a platform for creators to publish, share, and discover 3D models. Users can browse and purchase models across various categories, including animals, architecture, and vehicles, making it accessible on web, mobile, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) devices. The platform supports all operating systems and browsers, ensuring user-friendliness. Sketchfab differentiates itself from competitors by offering specialized tools for teams and a marketplace for buying and selling 3D models, along with tailored business solutions for enterprises. The company's goal is to serve a diverse range of clients, from individual artists to large businesses, by facilitating the integration of 3D content into various industries such as eCommerce, advertising, gaming, and education.
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HTC has launched Viverse Worlds, a destination for sharing 3D content that is accessible from just a web link. No downloads are necessary as you explore the Viverse Worlds platform for discovering 3D content. It’s a kind of metaverse where visitors can not only view 3D spaces but interact with them as well, said Andranik Aslanyan, head of growth at HTC Viverse, in an interview with GamesBeat.With no download necessary, Aslanyan said the content for the spatial computing platform is accessible to just about anyone with a computer. Just like YouTube did for video, Viverse Worlds makes 3D content easy to discover, access, and embed on any website for any device, he said. “We’ve gained a lot of creators, and we felt like it was time for us to focus on the actual content,” Aslanyan said. “On the consumer end, we saw a huge variety of different types of content being made, and a lot of requests to support different types of engines and delivery methods
To boot, Viverse Worlds also closely integrates with Sketchfab, the marketplace and hosting platform for millions of 3D models.
Die VR-Firma Viarsys, die von ihrem Standort mitten in Kaisermühlen aus fleißig die Welt des Metaverse vorantreibt, hat eine neue, innovative Anwendung: Einen eigenen 3D-Scanner, mit dem sich realistische, dreidimensionale Modelle von Menschen anfertigen lassen. Wir waren mal wieder zu Besuch bei Viarsys und konnten die Technologie selbst ausprobieren. Das Besondere an den Modellen: Während andere Anwendungen dieser Art oft die Hilfe von AI benötigen, sind die 3D-Modelle von Viarsys „handgemacht“. Wir haben den Eingang ins Metaverse entdeckt, und er liegt in Kaisermühlen„Mensch mit allen Ecken und Kanten abbilden“. Der 3D-Scanner von Viarsys ist eine komplexe, kreisförmige Vorrichtung, an der insgesamt 58 Kameras fixiert sind. Diese Kameras machen synchron Fotos von einer Person, die in der Mitte des Kreises steht und dabei die aus der Videospiel-Welt bekannte „T-Pose“ macht, also die Arme seitwärts von sich streckt integrates with Sketchfab offering new unlimited ai-generated 3D model texturing options & one-click account access.
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Consumer Software
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Paris, France
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