Get personalized job recommendations, craft tailored resumes, autofill and track your job applications. We're here for every step of the process.
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Tell us about your career history and goals. We'll help you craft a standout profile and help you land your dream job.
🔍Job Matches
Get matched to relevant jobs, personalized to you
Forget endlessly scrolling on job boards. Tell us your preferences & dealbreakers and we'll match you with jobs that fit.
Get Matched Now⚡️Autofill Applications
Autofill repetitive job application questions
Install the Simplify Copilot extension to autofill your job applications & see keywords missing in your resume.
30,000,000+ applications submitted
📝AI Resume Builder
Craft the perfect tailored resume for every job
Use AI to tailor your resume to fit the job description, see your resume ATS score, and identify missing keywords, all in a few clicks.
Get a Free Resume💼Job Tracker
Bookmark jobs and track your search
Goodbye spreadsheets. Bookmark job postings from 50+ job boards and manage your applications within our job tracker.
Track Your Applications
Join over 500,000 candidates that hear back 25% more with Simplify than on other platforms 🎉
Explore all the features we offer to supercharge your job or internship search.

Resume ATS Score
See what's wrong with your resume and how to fix it

Cover Letter & Email Generator
Craft personalized cover letters and networking emails

Career Journal
Track all your career achievements and get promoted faster

Networking Copilot
We help you find the hiring manager and send a personalized email

Job Lists
Handpicked collections of the most exciting companies and opportunities
job lists.
Our team handpicks the most exciting opportunities into lists for you to discover – updated daily.
Explore our FAQ section to learn more.
We dropped out of college and started Simplify to equip job seekers with the tools they need to put their best foot forward in the job search. The base version of Simplify and Simplify Copilot – including unlimited job tracking and autofill – is and will be free forever. We make money by charging companies to post jobs and promote their openings – we don't sell your data. We also have a premium subscription called Simplify+ that offers an additional suite of AI features to help you supercharge your job search.
Think of Simplify like a personal Hollywood-agent for your career. When you create a profile, you'll tell us the skills you have, the types jobs youre looking for, and any dealbreakers (minimum salary, location, etc.). Our AI will match you with specific opportunities that fit you from the millions of opportunities in our database. When you apply, we'll help you autofill your application and show you the most important keywords that are missing from your resume. We have an AI resume builder that lets you tailor your resume in seconds. Finally, our tracker helps you stay organized across all the jobs you've applied to. Ready to see Simplify in action? Click the teal “Sign-Up” button to get started!
We're internet users too and place a heavy emphasis and commitment to your privacy. First and foremost, we do not sell your data. The data you share with us is used to help match you with relevant jobs and autofill your applications. Simplify also operates as a hiring marketplace, meaning recruiters often use Simplify to post exclusive opportunities and find perfect-fit candidates (like you!). None of your data is shared with anyone off-platform without your consent – that's a promise!
The majority of the job openings you'll find on Simplify are taken directly from each company's native job board. Our system regularly checks the career pages of the 20,000+ companies on Simplify for new openings to recommend you. Each of the companies on our platform are vetted to ensure that every job you see is legit and up to date. We also work with a number of employers who exclusively post their roles on Simplify – so you'll see opportunities here you won't find anywhere else on the web!
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