Track your job search. Get hired faster.

Simplify automatically saves job applications you submit to help you manage your job search and follow up at the right time, every time.

30,000,000+ applications submitted

Job Tracker
Space XDiscordNotionCanvaDuolingoNetflixInstacartVisaCapital one

Stay organized with Simplify's
all-in-one job tracker.

No more messy spreadsheets. Simplify's job tracker helps you manage and prioritize jobs to make sure you put your best foot forward in every interview.

See all your applications in one place

Every job you apply to using Simplify is automatically saved to your job tracker. Our tracker makes it easy update your status for each job and generate follow-up emails to recruiters.

Track an application!

Visualize your job search and get insights

Get comprehensive analytics to monitor your job search journey. See which resumes are performing, visualize your progress, and get hired faster!

See your insights

Take notes & track contacts

Track recruiters, referrals, and other contacts for every job you apply to. Record interview notes, dates, and more to stay organized during the interview process.

Organize your applications

Save & bookmark jobs anywhere on the web

Save interesting jobs for later and apply when you're ready. Simplify helps you keep track of openings you're excited about and optimize your applications.

Bookmark a job

Add custom applications at any time

Have a spreadsheet of jobs you've already applied to? No worries - easily import custom job applications to your tracker and organize them within Simplify in minutes.

Start tracking now
Custom Apps

Join over 500,000 candidates that hear back 25% more with Simplify than on other platforms 🎉

Explore our

job lists.

Our team handpicks the most exciting opportunities into lists for you to discover – updated daily.

Got questions?

Explore our FAQ section to learn more.

A job tracker is simply a tool used by job seekers to organize and manage job applications and interviews during an ongoing job search. This can be something as basic as a spreadsheet or something as feature-rich as Simplify's free job tracker. The goal of a good job tracker is to help you keep track of upcoming interviews, referrals, notes, and remind you to follow-up with recruiters. A good job tracker can vastly improve the efficiency of your job search and help you get hired faster!

Simplify's job tracker is free – and we plan to keep it that way! We started Simplify with a mission to give job seekers the tools they need to succeed in their job search. Our job tracker is designed to help you stay organized throughout your search and stay on top of upcoming interviews/deadlines. Our autofill extension, application tracker, and job matches are all free features we commit to keeping free – forever.

Our recruiters recommend bookmarking jobs you're excited about and crafting tailored resumes and cover letters before you apply. You can save these documents within Simplify's job tracker and record notes from your interviews. When you move forward in the recruiting process for a given job, you can easily update your status which helps you visualize where you are in your search. Before any interview, you'll be able to see all the notes, referrals, and documents you used in the process and increase your chances of landing that offer!