We're dedicated to helping you job search.

Forget the endless job boards and filters. Get personalized career recommendations and autofill your applications with our extension.

30,000,000+ applications submitted

200,000+ jobs from only the most exciting companies & startups

a job platform that'sdesigned for candidates


Jobs that are relevant

Tell us your preferences & dealbreakers and we'll match you with jobs that fit.


Companies that are interesting

Everything you need to know about company benefits, culture, values, & more.


Your best foot forward

We help you craft tailored, high quality applications for every job you apply to.

Meet the AI copilot for your job search

Install the Simplify Copilot extension to autofill your job applications & automatically track your submitted applications.

The better way to job search

We're not just another job board. Join over 500,000 candidates that have applied to more than 30 million jobs using Simplify this year.

'For you page' for your job search

Forget endlessly scrolling on job boards. Discover 'playlists' of jobs and unique matches based on your profile, salary, and location requirements.

Job & company info without the đź’©

We cut the fluff from job descriptions and tell you everything you need to know about the company you're applying to. Useful info like headcount, culture, benefits – all in one place.

You're more likely to hear back on Simplify

We serve you the newest postings and help you tailor each application you submit to put your best foot forward. Simplify users hear back over 25% more than other platforms.