Meet the AI copilot for your job search.

Autofill applications, tailor your resume, and automatically track applications you submit - all for free with our copilot extension.

30,000,000+ applications submitted

we hate wasting time as much as you do

After trying nearly every job board out there, we built Simplify Copilot so you never have to waste time filling out job applications - and focus on the things that actually matter.


Job search without the 💩

Simplify Copilot users have applied to over 30 million jobs and saved over 500,000+ hours of time - just this year.

Autofill job applications in 1-click

Hate re-typing your resume on job portals? Simplify Copilot autofills your information on job applications and works on 80% of sites on the web.

Optimize your resume for every job

See a 'resume match score' for every job you apply to and easily tailor your resume based on the job description using Simplify's free resume editor.

Automatically track your applications

Every application you submit with Simplify Copilot gets automatically saved to your dashboard. Easily manage and update your progress in one place - goodbye spreadsheets!